A bit of a double-post, but... [quote=@Lemons] [i]Oh god.[/i] Well, she's free for a little bit, since Velvet's probably getting up at like 8pm tonight. It's been a LONG night. [/quote] When I get Lilith finished, Velvet can chill in a hammock at her apartment in building-2 if things in building-1 get to be too much. They would compete for food, although her meals are more of a protein-slurry that [i]may[/i] include blood. [quote=@Dragonydas] [@Foster] Did I also miss your character sheet? [/quote] It's unfinished, I need to work on her crack-spider backstory. [quote=@CitrusArms] Yes, I am adorable [YouTube]https://youtu.be/mdtzhnzuyww?si=JoBaQllVugAjwaQi [/YouTube] [h3] Edit[/h3] Now why is Miyuki so scary? Is it because she's a hot babe? It is it because she's not a hot [i]babe[/i] but a hot [i]monster[/i]? Afraid she's gonna turbo granny you? [/quote] [YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU4I9Yq4IZw[/YouTube] The territorial twins