[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eFLr8a4.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][color=cecece][sub] [color=909090][b][Location][/b][/color] Near the outskirts of Landow, Estren [color=909090][b][Time][/b][/color] Sunday, 06:00 - 07:00 [color=909090][b][Interactions][/b][/color] N/A [/sub][/color][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] The aromatic scent of freshly ground coffee beans sprinkled through the air, finally making their way into the nasal passages of Castaño. It was a luxury often forgotten for him to wake up to a scalding hot cup of tinto. It caressed his face, pawed at the blankets, pulling the curtains astrew to let little rays of light dance upon his eyelids. [color=97FA9A]“Ya lo se, es el hora para levantar”[/color] to whom he was expressing his annoyance, no one could know. Instinctively, his body rose and cajoled his mind into finally cracking up his lids to take in his childhood room that had not changed much. A poster of a Castralian singer whose hips didn’t lie was faded and had been covered by a religious illustration of Ultima, his mother’s doing no doubt. His toes dancing and spreading on the cold limestone floor granted him dexterity for the toll the push off his bed would ultimately take on his rapidly declining muscular strength. Walking down the short hallway to the dining room he was greeted with a basket of freshly bought bread, a myriad of selection, his favorite being the pan de bono. A bread made from cassava starch, cheese, and egg. His jaw ached in anticipation of housing three in the matter of seconds, only tempered by the swirling spoon and sound of metal on porcelain that rounded the corner in the hand of his mother. [color=97FA9A]“Buenos días mama, cómo amaneciste?”[/color] [color=black]“Bien hijo, tranquilo, siéntese para comer”[/color] His mother always babied him, probably because he was the only son in his family. That’s right, where was his other family? They all should have been up before him. Castaño sat down and began to drink his coffee, but when he drank it was ice cold despite the heat clearly emanating plumes of steam. Disoriented, he looked to his mother who had been talking, yet there was no noise leaving her mouth. Just as he was about to ask her to repeat a group of suits busted through the doors and windows, guns drawn, taking aim to fire at him and his mother. Castaño rushed up to shield her, a bit too late as the bullet bore deep into both of them. Castaño awoke gasping for air, expecting to be in a cold sweat with a puddle formed around his mattress, instead he was cold to the touch. Short gasps for air only left his throat burned and an icy breath with each huff. In the darkness before dawn, he rushed to the thermostat to confirm his psychosis. 26 degrees celsius, Shiva’s way of telling him or rather ordaining him to respond to her needs just as well. Then it came back to him, his purpose, why he was in the outskirts of Landow, The Festival of Lights. At this point he begged for a dream with Shiva over the laborious nightmares that plagued him. And so, with no coffee and nothing more than a half full water bottle, Castaño began getting ready to stalk this so-called festival. It didn’t take long for Castaño to make his way into the festival grounds, getting lost in a sea of disciples and believers in nothing more than simple garb made him practically invisible. Attention by security detail was reserved for the regalia in attendance, kind of counterproductive in his mind. Once the main detail began to break off into separate locations, Castaño found himself sliding in shadowed alleyways and on the outside of the central commerce which was teeming with food stands beginning the opening of their fervently anticipated money maker event. He kept his eyes on the more renowned regalia in the likes of Laura Genevieve, a name too big for her britches. Despite his desire for anonymity, Shiva’s pull on his body to partake in the festivities was standing in the way of just that. It was hard being the regalia of a dominant so opulent and powerful and not being able to represent that. She would get her stage, just not until the pieces were set. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FINS6TR.jpeg[/img] [color=cecece] [sub] [b][Location][/b] Downtown ➙ Food Stands [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:30 AM [b][Interactions][/b] N/A [/sub] [/color] [/center] The half an hour that passed felt like an eternity, the smell of fish and meat tore into the aching of his empty stomach. Close to insanity the festivities finally broke when the appearance of a meteor crashed through the sky. Clouds parted and shot away in rapid speed to avoid the nefarious rock making its entrance through an otherwise scenic sky on the heels of a breaking dawn. [color=97FA9A][i]“Marica mira eso”[/i][/color] Whatever Castaño and Shiva anticipated that day had been quickly dashed with the emergence of this world altering event. Perhaps all of his nightmares were a warning of what was happening today and why he was sent here amidst the other regalia. Either way, his belly would be satiated on the sustenance this newfound chaos administered to him. Castaño pressed the advantage of the ensuing despair in the crowd to cloak his movements. A watchful eye was kept transfixed on Laura and another largely built man as they served to direct the traffic of people in disarray. Preventing unnecessary injuries and bycatch on civilians while they dealt with the meteor was smart. Perhaps they were worthy of the ilk bestowed on them by their dominant, only time would tell. Normally Castaño would have helped, however he needed to remain invisible until he was sure that releasing himself to Shiva was absolutely necessary and didn’t infatuate the masses with residue. Castaño swam in the crowd marking those who weren’t quick to panic, most likely regalia, and those who were tasked in protecting and evacuating them in terms of military personnel. He waited for all the dominoes to fall, waiting for his role in this event, but not before procuring a random skewer from a small tent and leaving a singular coin. [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]