She may be sitting on the ground, a puppy in her lap and hardwood beneath her thighs and palms. But she feels adrift and her head won't settle on a solid thought, eyes staring forward but not focusing on the bloody hand being held out. There's silence in the apartment, but her ears are roaring with the pounding of her own heart and nothing else. She can't make that decision. She couldn't decide on something like this after literally just having faught against the pair not even ten minutes ago. She's not flailing right now because she's frozen where she's seated, Lucian's body heat a solid presence at her side. She swallows around a tight throat, fingers twitching against Echo's fur and her thigh. A cool nose nudging agaisnt her cheek jolts Aneira into motion, little paws pressing against her collarbone has her eyes blinking rapidly. Pipper has her head tilted to the side, Echo looks unimpressed even as he lowers himself to his hunches once more. "I don't know what that means." She admits softly under her her breath, head lifting to focus on the older man and young woman with a frown pulling her lips down. There's a coil of emotions in her chest that scream at her, her head remains oddly quiet and it makes her jittery. "What do you mean you don't know what that means?" The woman asks around a huff, manicured hand settling on her hip. She shifts and leans against the wall, hair spilling over her shoulder as she focuses her eyes on them. "A Pack is family, we make the initial bond through blood." She gestures with her chin towards the man who still has his hand out, fingers lifting to card them through chestnut-brown hair. "But I'm not like you." Aneira adds with a shake of her head, lifting an arm to gesture to both herself and Lucian who hasn't moved or retracted his wings. "I'm not a full-blooded Werewolf by nature so this doesn't- I can't-" She falls silent with her teeth digging into her lip, what feels like a hysterical laugh bubbling within her throat. "Why don't we give them a day, boss?" The woman asks after a beat, gaze flicking between the two of them before shifting away. Her tone is nonchalant and almoat flippant, like this isn't something time sensitive and important. Aneira swallows again and flicks her gaze to the older man, who hasn't once taken his eyes off of her and has his head slightly tilted now. She can't just choose without taking it all in, without doing some research. This isn't just for herself afrer all, she has others to take into consideration. "Tomorrow morning." She blurts out, knee beginning a slow bounce against the floor. "I'll have answer in the morning." Aneira adds with her tongue darting out to wet dry lips, free hand itching to reach for Lucian's shirt to grip onto. She won't force her winged-companion to call his friend when he's hesitant to do so, but she also won't go into this blind and with no knowledge either. She just hopes they accept, and give them some breathing room.