[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/OLXUrMm.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/11gAoSU.png[/img][hr][/center] The spider traveled far away from the chaos, and closer to the kingdom. Where the biome changed from desert plains to another destroyed city, one reminiscent of Miami (not that any of the four would know). The spider landed on the roof on the edge of the city, and the four of them got off, before it shrunk down to typical size and scurried off. Yoko walked over to the edge of the rooftop and said, [color=fce420]”We’re closer to the Kingdom so we’ll be facing more Autoknights,”[/color] Yoko said, [color=fce420]”Disciple, now is a great time to use Focus to determine what’s around us.”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Okay!"[/color] Ella had followed Yoko over to the edge. She crouched down, before becoming perfectly still as she began to concentrate solely on her surroundings. Listening out for the sounds of metal footsteps… eyes moving around to find each one, focusing in at distances she wouldn't be able to see normally. Patrolling Autoknights, places where they'd set up with catapults… [color=e77fbf]"They have outposts there, there, there and there,"[/color] Ella said, pointing in a direction with each there. At this distance it was impossible to see the actual outposts without magic. [color=e77fbf]"Each has catapults. There's some patrols too… if we're careful we can avoid them all."[/color] [color=764820]”I thought the whole point was to get caught,”[/color] Lisa said with a shrug. [color=fce420]”That is true, but the plan is to make it look convincing,”[/color] Yoko nodded her head. [color=fce420]”If we throw ourselves at their feet, they will get suspicious. Also, right now, they would try and flatten us with catapult-fire.”[/color] Then she turned her head toward the outposts, [color=fce420]”... We stick together, and lay low. If we catch any Autoknights, we quietly dispatch them, okay?”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Got it! I can lay low!"[/color] Ella nodded. [color=DC143C]"Maybe keep your voice down first,"[/color] Saskia rolled their eyes. Ella slammed her mouth shut, nodding again. The last thing she wanted was for them to get flattened by catapults. If she got close enough, she could probably take them out but… avoiding them was just better. Her voice was quieter when she kept talking. [color=e77fbf]"We should go through the buildings quietly. The Autoknights seem to be mostly patrolling the streets, so unless they see or hear us… I think we can avoid them."[/color] Yoko nodded at Ella before glancing behind her at the rooftop access structure. She walked over to it and noticed a rusty lock, which, seconds later clattered against the ground when it was slashed by the Yokai Killer. The door creaked open as she pulled it before she turned towards the rest of the group and nodded. Lisa quickly got the hint and ran over behind her. Yoko stepped down lightly, her foot not so much as to make a peep against the concrete stairs; what made a noise was Yoko slowly unsheathing the Yokai Killer - it was glowing somewhat. The air inside was stale, laced with dust and the ever-present smell of rotting bodies. Once they made it to a door, Yoko pushed it open, then cubicle after cubicle was revealed. Yoko looked over her shoulder and whispered, [color=fce420]”Let’s stick to the inner halls,,”[/color] Yoko whispered. [color=fce420]”Then, I suggest that we make it seem like we were sneaking into one of their outposts and got caught.”[/color] Ella nodded, gulping. She held a hand over her nose in an attempt to ignore the rancid smell. It made her feel a little bit sick… but she ignored it. There wasn’t room for weakness here. If she started showing that she was scared what would the others think? She was a magical girl, after all, and magical girls were always strong! [color=e77fbf]"The closest outpost is a few buildings along,"[/color] Ella whispered back, looking at the glowing Yokai Killer. [color=e77fbf]"Does that pick up Autoknights, or is it something else?"[/color] [color=fce420]”It can detect Autoknights,”[/color] Yoko said, [color=fce420]”The closer they are, the brighter it glows so…”[/color] It began glowing brighter. [color=fce420]”... Good grief,”[/color] Ella’s eyes widened, and she looked around. [color=e77fbf]"Maybe if we stay here… hide… there wasn’t a nearby patrol?!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"Don’t panic,"[/color] Saskia said very quietly, knife going to their hand to prepare for a possible fight. Lisa didn't speak, spiders just stretched outwards, and covered her body, the floor, and the feet of her friends. [color=fce420]”I’m certain it’ll just pass by-”[/color] Yoko was cut off by the roof caving in, dust and debris going in all directions. When the dust settled, [url=https://i.imgur.com/5uqHlsD.jpeg]a massive horse creature[/url] stepped out, growling. With its dick out. Ella screamed. [h3][color=e77fbf]"[b][i]SAILOR MOON PROTECT US FROM THIS EVIL ENDOWED MONSTER- STAY AWAY!"[/i][/b][/color][/h3] She shoved out her hands, blasting a fireball right at its dick. It screamed in pain as its dick was ignited, but somehow that put it on hard. [color=fce420]”Disciple! It's just a penis!”[/color] Yoko shouted, holding the Yokai Killer with one hand, the sheathe with the other. [color=fce420]”Calm down!”[/color] [color=764820]”Oh, it’s a penis alright!”[/color] Lisa shouted. The monster roared, and swung its claw forward. [color=DC143C]"I’ll do it,"[/color] Saskia intoned as they jumped in between the claw and Ella, blocking it with a blood blade of their own. They pushed back against it. [color=DC143C]"I’ll fuck it so it leaves us alone."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"NO!!!"[/color] Ella wailed, changing tactics and shooting it with electricity. It shook in pain, falling to its knees but it used its strength to push Saskia away as it climbed back up to its feet. [color=fce420]”Turner! Dissolve it's genitals in acid to end this foolishness!”[/color] Yoko shouted. [color=764820]””But-[/color] Lisa hesitated, [color=fce420]”DO IT!”[/color] [color=764820]”Okay.”[/color] Lisa shrugged, the fire had conveniently gone out, she commanded her spiders to wrap around it… They exploded, and it dissolved into a toxic sludge that dripped onto the floor. It screamed and thrashed around. [color=DC143C]"Nooo, my monster fucking dreams,"[/color] Saskia intoned, not sounding all that upset by it at all. With the horrible penis gone, Ella no longer had to look everywhere but the monster. [color=e77fbf]"Thank you, Lisa!"[/color] She pushed out her hands, blasting the monster with more electricity. It thrashed, before Yoko disappeared in a burst of speed and appeared on the other side of the creature. She sheathed her sword, as a slash appeared across the creature’s chest that rotted away. [color=764820]”Finish-”[/color] Yoko tried to say before they all felt a loud crash. Yoko fell over and the Yokai Killer clattered against the ground. She looked out the window. Flaming boulders were coming towards them. [color=DC143C]"Fuck, not again,"[/color] Saskia hissed, rolling across the floor to avoid getting hit by a piece of debris. [color=e77fbf]"NO, the penis monster alerted them!"[/color] Ella shouted, grabbing the Ice Scepter and shooting a blast of ice at each of the flaming boulders. Which froze them but did little to halt their momentum as they crashed into the building. Violently shaking it, as Yoko fought her way to her feet. Spider legs erupted from Lisa’s back as she used them for balance. Yoko walked over to the creature and jammed the Yokai Killer through its skull - pressing her boot against it to yank it free. [color=fce420]”Don’t waste your time, Disciple!”[/color] Yoko shouted, [color=fce420]”We have to get out of here!”[/color] Ella grimaced, nodding. Saskia pulled themselves to their feet, blood tendril forming to help throw debris out of the way and clear them a path. [color=DC143C]"This way, lets try get to the next building."[/color] Ella sprinted towards where Saskia was - deeper into the building. If they could find some stairs they could get down and onto the street… or maybe there was a connection to another building. She didn’t know, but Yoko was right, they had to get out of here. Without a word, they went back down the staircase they had entered as the building rumbled over and over again. Dust covered them from head to toe as they avoided broken staircases, and loose cables - making it to the ground floor just as the catapult fire stopped. Yoko ran outside… … And met various Autoknights scattered about armed with muskets, crossbows, amd oversized spears and swords. “... Halt!” They all shouted in unison. “Surrender and come with us quietly!” Ella did halt, because she didn’t want to run into the massive hunks of metal and discover they were hiding some kind of massive, horrible cannon in a place she didn’t want to think about. But what was it Yoko had said earlier… they had to make it look convincing. Put up a bit of a fight. [color=e77fbf]"No way!"[/color] Ella shouted, holding her hands out in front of her and blasting them with fire she knew would be mostly ineffective. [color=fce420]”Wait! Disciple!”[/color] Yoko shouted as she outstretchedd a hand. “... Open fire!” An Autoknight shouted, before they all took aim. The spider creature that was previously only visible to Lisa appeared in front of them, body turned sideways. As the Autoknights opened fire, spectral limbs - hands, mouths, breasts, legs - that twitched unnaturally appeared to form a wall. It blocked the fire as the spider turned to Lisa and said, “... Go.” [color=e77fbf]"Freaky spider creature?!"[/color] Ella let out a confused yelp… but it was blocking the fire! And Ella was realising she really should’ve surrendered… whoops. So to half apologise for that she did the classic scoop and run, grabbing Lisa and Saskia and lifting them up under her arms. Then they wouldn’t have to exert themselves. Immediately she started running towards another building, hoping to hide in it. [color=DC143C]"You’re a fucking idiot,"[/color] Saskia muttered. The spider stared at them as it kept blocking gunfire. Before muttering, “... I hope we can all be together one day.”