[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/su1oRzt.jpeg[/img][/center] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EvzLJgC.jpeg[/img][/center] [b][Location][/b] Landow, Estren [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:30 AM, September 15 [b][Interactions][/b] [@TokyoPewPew] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] He watched as the woman rose, she was tall, almost as tall as him, and her age was hard to pinpoint, the paint covering every visible piece of skin doing great work at masking any detail. But even so, the way she moved told a story all on its own. There was training there, for all that she used the sword as a walking stick, too nimble for it to be a simple prop. Then… Then she started walking away? He blinked. It was like a douse of cold water was thrown at him, drenching him and attempting to drown the Flame in his heart. But a clearer head only served to stroke his curiosity, whoever this woman was it was obvious she wasn’t someone normal, in fact, something about her was clawing at his memory. Looking at her retreating back he tried to remember. Had he seen her before? He wanted to say yes but there was a nagging feeling he had. Maybe she was some kind of celebrity or criminal? That would explain the odd familiarity she invoked. Whatever was the case he decided to follow her. He hadn't met another proper swordsman in ages and this Festival was proving to be more interesting than he expected. He watched as the woman shambled down the pier, despite her apparent blindness there was a surety to her movements and using her sword as an aide she seemed to be able to incur the changes in terrain. If he wasn't focusing on her he would have missed the small tilt of the head, the only indication she was tracking his presence. [color=bda6bd]“I know not, O stranger, what ye seek—only that it dwelleth not in me.”[/color] The sudden way she spoke was almost startling, the voice was unique and he couldn’t quite hear if it had an accent, the words themselves were delivered in a monotonous tone that nonetheless conveyed a sense of authority. It reminded him of some of the teachers he had met, the shared, if basic, nonsense way of expressing themselves. [color=ff2400]“Indeed, it does not”[/color] He gave a nod, still following a short distance behind her. [color=ff2400]“You are currently using it as a walking stick”[/color] And oh what would his Master say about it, the old man was practical in so many ways but his sword was one of the few things he was truly sentimental about. It was a wonder that particular perspective wasn’t something he inherited, he shrugged at how awful some parts of his pilgrimage would have been if he had witholded use of his sword due to his feelings. Still, the act itself was interesting, a blind swordmaster wasn’t something he was accustomed to encountering, even less so one as distinctive as her. [color=bda6bd]“A few pounds of steel and wood; a little silk and sharkskin for a hilt. What, pray tell, is so special about it?”[/color] There was near the sounds of the multitude as they reacted to the falling skies, if he wasn't able to see like the woman he might have mistaken them for the screams of fanatics upon seeing the Regalia, in fact he wasn't sure some of those screams weren't by said fanatics. [color=ff2400]“For starters what it is, despite the popularity of such arms it is not common to chance upon one, in fact I am surprised the security didn’t prevent you from sporting one”[/color] That had been the reason he had to store his own, he used to have a permit but it had burned a long time ago, and it wasn’t even from the same country he was walking on so the point may have been moot. [color=ff2400]“And usually when I come across someone sporting one, well, they tend to not know how to use one correctly”[/color] More than once he had come across someone swinging a melee weapon around like they were a common bat, the most egregious one he could remember was a spear wielder who decided he wanted to slash at everything, without stabbing even once. The most damage he ever caused was striking someone else's head with the wood before getting caught on the counter attack. [color=ff2400]“You have training, or at least have received guidance in some way”[/color] It was a fact. He watched as the stars kept failing, it shouldn’t take long he supposed. Before conflict arose once more. [color=ff2400]“So, who are you? O stranger”[/color] Finally the woman stopped at the point where the wharf ended, seemingly taking a pause to respond to his query. He didn't know what was crossing her mind but she was holding her sword differently, one of the strangest postures he had ever seen a swordman take. [color=bda6bd]“I confess. ‘Tis more interesting an inquiry by far than the—......the residue-begging I first took it for. Still. I loathe that I must disappoint thee.”[/color] He observed as the woman speaked, the Residue comment was an interesting detail on its own, a missing piece he didn’t realize was missing. But that was not the reason he was here pestering this woman. He shaked his head slowly before responding. [color=ff2400]“A lack of comment it's a response all on its own”[/color] It was just like he told the Regalia of Titan, any reply given in good faith was worth being shared, even if the answer was silence. [color=ff2400]“I believe I know the answer but I shall ask anyway, are you interested in having a duel? Not today, or even someday soon. But one day—”[/color] [color=bda6bd]“Thou misunderstandst. ‘Tis not my sword to wield with such frivolity; and if it were, ‘twas built for no such purpose; but were it not, I am none so skilled in its use; and if I was—sir—still I would have with thee no—agh!”[/color] The woman reached for her face and something changed, her eyes, until now dark and glassy turned into a vibrant honeyed brown. He was more interested in the grimace that accompanied her features, seemingly deep pain cutting through her flesh as the change took place. Then it was over, her body went back to her previous posture, stiff and guarded with a hint of underlaying suffering. [color=bda6bd]“...no quarrel...”[/color] He blinked. The again. …Had he made a blunder? How strange, he had immediately nailed her as a combatant by the way she moved, even while blind there was a surety to her movements. The weapon was also not some sort of replica, yes it was big but it wasn’t like it was the biggest he had ever seen (that dubious honor belonged to a swordsman in Tenshi), with her recent comment he figured she wouldn’t have problem wielding it but clearly he had been wrong. Maybe she was some sort of dancer? That… would certainly explain a good deal, wouldn’t it? The paint, the weapon, the confidence.  If the old man could see him now he would laugh and berate him in the same breath. Resisting the urge to bring a hand to massage the back of his neck he decided to continue the conversation. Well, at least once whatever ailment was assaulting her abated. [color=ff2400]“Ah, my apologies”[/color] A small bow. [color=ff2400]“It seems I was overzealous after finding another person with a sword. Though if I may? There is no need for a quarrel to come into Conflict, only the desire and understanding of what both combatants get out of it. To fight is to be Human, as it is to follow your desires”[/color] Her movements changed once more, where before she seemingly relied on her hearing now it was clear that sight had once more returned to her, to a great shock if the way she looked at the sky was any indication. From her eyes bloody tears fell as she stared at the comets and her expression conveyed a mix of emotions. Then she looks back at him, as if seemingly having forgotten his existence. With a practiced movement she slings the sword back, slotting it on her back. This time her tone was hurried. [color=bda6bd]“A word of advice, far-strider, if thou wilt heed.”[/color] He looked towards the falling skies as the woman once more responded to him. [color=ff2400]“I am listening”[/color] She sonliged, in a singsong voice, as if reciting lyrics or even poetry: [i][color=bda6bd][center]A wise-counselled man will be mild in bearing and brandish his might in good measure, lest when he arrive his fierce rivals among, he find others than he even fiercer.[/center][/color][/i] He listens as the poem is recited, this was a first to him and the experience was novel. After she finished he took a moment to wonder on her words, they felt like they were chosen carefully, like those stories he heard about prophecies. Was she a Regalia of a fate-weaver? Maybe. Though the message was cryptic it was also very clear in its meaning and he let out a smile at what he understood. He looks as the woman stares at him for some time before she turns and disappears. Once more he gave her a bow, it was very clear she wanted to leave now and he had gotten more than what he expected. [color=ff2400]“Thank you, may you have a good day”[/color] [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]