[@Xaltwind] [@Dragonydas] [@LupusIntus] Sorry for causing so much confusion, everyone. I'm going to clear some stuff up about Angel by editing that first post. Some further information: Regarding Angel's job: * She goes and cleans the messes in rooms the janitor hasn't gotten to, or messes the janitor can't clean(such as spilled drinks on fabric, etc.). * She changes dirty bedding (covers, comforters, blankets, pillows, sheets, etc.) for clean ones. * She dusts and vacuums. * If requested, she delivers meals. She has a work cell phone so all people living in the condos can reach her if needed. If they aren't comfortable being near there, she asks they head to her room and stay there while she works(she has no holy items or whatever in her rooms, so even Velvet should be comfortable in there) within ten-twenty minutes after they hang up, because that's when she'll be arriving at their room. She will also call if she needs to enter their room for any reason. * She takes clothes to be washed, and delivers clean clothes. Regarding Velvet: * When she's in close proximity with Velvet, she experiences a numbing sensation that spreads throughout her body and makes act stiffly. Upon leaving the area around Velvet, she becomes exhausted and feels drained. The longer she spends and the closer she is to Velvet, the more intense this effect. It can be safely assumed that if the two were in the same room, Velvet would be out due to sickness and Angel would be dead asleep, and that the experience would be worse for Velvet. She has yet to realize that her tiredness lately is due to Velvet. The effects is caused by her natural protections against evil triggering, and this is taking a lot more energy from her than she is used to expending. Angel's light emission: * Angel can control the amount of light she emits when she's awake, but if she's unconscious or asleep, she can't control it. When she's at her brightest, she emits holy light at the same intensity as a flashbang. * Angel's location: She's in her room at the moment, and will be heading to the lobby to see if Max is there. Normal Schedule: (Still working this out) Oversleeping: Angel tends to oversleep if she has been near Velvet at any point in her day. Yesterday(before my first post), Angel had to retrieve some sheets and blankets from the floor below Velvet on which a drink was spilled on.