[b]END[/b] [@Iamme][@Dragon Arts][@Digmata][@Gerlando][@BlackMaiden] [@Letter Bee][@The Man Emperor][@Aku the Samurai][@JrVader][@Paingodsson] [color=orange]“As expected of Eirei, Endeavor's legacies are not half-baked.”[/color] Keyaru closed & open his eyes, transforming into a behemothesque leviathanlike [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGS9cPIEpz_EWJpF951-mAQnt8seXBz_R7oQ&usqp=CAU]draconic[/url] thing that dissipated & reappeared back to his human form in mere seconds. Whatsoever Eirei saw at that point, only spelled fear, whatever they're doing was immediately nullified by the Yakuza Allfather's death-like-gaze or better yet for those that're quick enough, they saw Keyaru transformed into a Dragon while a fragment of reality, distorted. Matsuru, Kanako & Rin's minds linked with Keyaru's, the image of a 60 foot Dragon was vivid yet surreal. He ensured those with Mentalist Quirks won't interfere with his mind any further, this is as far as they get. Amaya attempted to use her Quirk but it seemed like it's nullified, the same went for Yusuke. Keyaru stared at the sky. Suddenly, he was taken in by surprise, Ravens attacked him with her feathers, he lost an arm due to how sharp her feather blades were, fortunately for him, Keyaru reacted if not, barely on time, he pinned Ravens down. [color=orange]"Sneaking on your foes has always been your M.O, Ravens."[/color] however, it was an illusion all along from Ravens, she actually just popped up to sneak him. Ravens wasn't pinned down at all, she was hiding among the debris, her feathers do look aesthetically like a Peacock's after all, hypnotic & deceitful. [color=orange]"Very well, I'm reasonable enough to not destroy the empire I've built, consider this my mercy for what type of adult would not go easy on mere children, if you were Proheroes, I would've leveled Shibuya into oblivion, perhaps someday ..."[/color] Keyaru may be a villain but he got style, he didn't want to spend money on collateral damage. Keyaru saw that the Shibuya Police Force were all flocking down, with their Antiquirk Snipers, ready to shoot. For what seemed to be a gleamer of hope, only turned into unfairness. Chinmoku then received an urgent voicemail from a kin, suddenly one of the Policemen stated names to bail. [color=silver]"Akatsuki Chinmoku, Yaoyorozu Matsuru, Himura Amaya, Kaku Mei, back away from the vigilantes!"[/color] [color=orange]"Matsuru, I do hope you remember our last encounter, I own Shibuya & neither the police are going to listen to mere brats like Eirei, have fun being suspended from Hero Work for you and your friends will be under house arrest. You fail your father yet again."[/color] Keyaru walked away as the Police swarmed the Provisional Heroes, ignoring those that are part of Big Hero Clans. Ambulances also made it into the scene, Keyaru was indeed correct, he controls Shibuya. [color=orange]"One more thing."[/color] Keyaru gazed on Akira & Yui, whatever wounds they had, stopped, they were nursed to some capacity but not fully. [color=orange]"It seems that only a few are worthy of having the title of Hero, failing to catch me a second time was such an underwhelming experience, all of you should've been willing to bend the law to your benefit, work smart, not hard!"[/color] Keyaru has watched how the fights went and he knew that Akira had the most heroic spark. Keyaru stepped out of the scene and went inside his limousine, mocking them with one last burn, he sowed seeds of distrust to the Heroes part of the Big Hero Families, now all eyes are on them, a clever diversion, if they fell for it. [b]Aftermath — Eirei Dorms[/b]