[center][h3][color=green]Lewa[/color][/h3][/center] Compared to the tension that build up during the slow, wary descent into the depths of the magic shop, the ensuing brawl against the otherworlders' skeletal attackers was more of a relief than anything. These undead foes certainly didn't pose much of a challenge, and while he was glad to contribute for once, Lewa couldn't claim much credit when it came to nullifying the threat. Not with Fran, Remilia, and Anne around. The presence of such raw power really rendered the ambush anticlimactic, and the realization that he'd been the only one affected by the spooky atmosphere left him with a sheepish smile once the one-sided fight concluded. Why should they fear, after all? Sure, Anne made an effort to rally a proper defense, and Remilia seemed upset, but even that effort seemed wasted when they could swat these rattling bones like gnats. To them, it was just an annoyance. Of course, they were probably not the skeletons' intended targets, but Lewa couldn't help but wonder if this world had anything that could make these people sweat. Well, with that over, the group had a choice to make. Given the presence of so many enemies in lieu of the man they'd come here to find, it seemed clear that they would return to the quest-giver empty-handed, with nothing but bad news to offer. However, the reveal of that rocky passage and the pitch-black caverns beyond told Lewa that their visit here wasn't quite over just yet. Confident, intrepid, curious, and almost certainly unsatisfied with the prospect of going back now, the others would probably want to delve into the once-hidden cave system in search of answers. And in truth, Lewa would be lying if he said he wasn't curious himself. While the whole concept of large-scale architecture was still fairly new to him, it seemed unlikely that someone could build a basement right next to such a big underground space by accident. If his ragtag crew could find out what really happened here and why, they would be able to offer Serena more than their condolences. Lewa allowed the shaft of his axe to slide through his fingers, adjusting his grip upward toward the bladed head. Its balance in this position allowed for easy transport during travel while still keeping him armed. Even if his group had little to fear in these parts, he doubted they were out of the woods just yet. If the Great Spirit could fall victim to Makuta's treachery, there were few beings out there that a sufficiently devious sneak attack couldn't fell, and he was resolved to not let that happen to him. Or the others, if they could help it. As long as the little fae remained in their care, her safety was the real problem whenever any combat occurred. Lewa nodded to Fran when she spoke, indicating that the berserker could take point as they continued. "Let us leave no stone unturned."