[color=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/q2WipLE.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]The Foundation Institute[/I] - [I]Atlantic Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Human #5.043:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Unnatural Selection[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Madness[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT]An indeterminate amount of time passed that could have been anywhere from hours to days before the doors to the cells finally opened. Pungent smells erupted into the narrow hallway of soiled clothing, vomit and other bodily excretions. The white uniforms did nothing to hide the shame of those who hadn’t been able to hold out and a hose was dragged up and down the hallway before the students were stripped and sprayed down. Those who had endured the time in the chamber with no incidents were handed a new set of clothing and permitted to use the facilities to change. Of the students from Pacific Royal, those who endured were primarily upperclassmen, the younger students having suffered the humiliation and degradation. The white uniforms were taken away from those who had been sprayed down by the hose, and in their place, they were given tan-coloured clothing. Those who had permitted temporary leave instead were given new black uniforms that were far more flattering. While the previous outfits and even the tan-coloured ones were more akin to scrubs, the black uniforms aligned more with those worn by the students who had leered at them prior to their solitary. These black uniforms proudly bore a ‘Φ’ atop the right breast, while the tan uniforms were denoted with a ‘Δ’ on the left bicep. The groups were segregated into two lines, attendants walking between the students and aligned them into two single file lines. Marched through another series of maze-like hallways, they exited one pod, walking over the temporary connection point as it bounced above the waves before entering into another series of connected pods and emerging into a large dining hall amidst welcoming cheers. Or more aptly, welcoming [i]jeers[/i] as the existing student body recognized the arrival of tonight’s entertainment. Like sharks circling, the students recognized fresh blood in the water. The pounding of silverware against tables echoed around the former Pacific Royal students as they were marched to a series of elevated tables, placed at the head of the room. Those who had the privilege of being adorned in the black uniforms were given the highest seats, overlooking the tan-adorned students who were seated in cascading rows beneath them. Every eye in the room was on the new students and the doors to the kitchen were suddenly flung open overwhelming the otherwise sterile room with enticing aromas of freshly prepared food. Their attention was suddenly diverted as the main doors at the opposite end were opened by the attendants and a lone figure entered. A mane of silver hair perfectly matched the well groomed beard that shaped his jaw line into a fine point as piercing eyes studied every student in the room. He was dressed in a fine three piece suit, leaning heavily on a cane while taking his deliberate steps forward. Despite the implied frailty, fear fell over the room at the sight of Dr. William Montgomery. He came to a stop in the center of the room, shifting his weight before tucking his cane under his arm and lifting his hands. His palms came together, the echo of his clap reverberating through the room before the other students followed his lead as he applauded towards the Pacific Royal transfers. [color=#ffffff]“Welcome to our humble abode,”[/color] Montgomery called, his eyes moving from one transfer to the next until he had personally laid eyes on each and every new student. [color=#ffffff]“I understand, it’s not quite the lavish lifestyle you’ve all grown comfortable with.”[/color] He smiled towards those adorned in the black uniforms, his eyes only just glancing over the rest. [color=#ffffff]“My name is Dr. William Montgomery,”[/color] He introduced himself, [color=#ffffff]“I am the ‘Mind’ behind the Foundation Institute, its curriculum and the strategic advancements of the Foundation. Unlike what you’re used to, I’m sure you’d consider my methods to be cold, cruel even, but I’m afraid they get results and they get results quickly. Mr. Nakamura himself has personally approved each and every one of my methods.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Those of you currently bearing your ‘Phi’ proudly are off to a great start and are on the path towards becoming a ‘Force’ to be reckoned with.”[/color] He smiled again towards the students in black, [color=#ffffff]“The rest of you, have a lot more to overcome.”[/color] Montgomery added, addressing those in Tan before turning to the room. [color=#ffffff]“That said, we have newcomers and that calls for a feast!”[/color] He shouted as the banging of silver resumed until Montgomery waved his hand, immediately stilling the noise. [color=#ffffff]“Due in part to a generous donation from the incoming P.R.C.U. students, our chefs were able to prepare you a delicious and fresh meal. A completely authentic Polpette di Cavallo con Salmoriglio.”[/color] Plates of noodles topped with tantalizing meatballs were brought forth and placed in front of every student while fizzling flutes of sparkling juice selected to be paired with the meal were sat down alongside the dish. [color=#ffffff]“Naturally, it is up to our esteemed guests of honour to have the first taste after which the rest of you can eat.”[/color] Montgomery stated, lifting a flute of sparkling juice from a nearby waiter before turning to the Pacific Royal students.[color=#ffffff] “I do hope that the food is prepared to your liking, it would be a shame to cast a cloud over such a momentous occasion. The Foundation and Pacific Royal, finally together.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“But first, a toast to new beginnings.”[/color] He raised his glass, waiting for the room to follow suit before tipping it back to his lips. [color=#ffffff]“Now, then, you all must be starving,”[/color] Montgomery smiled, [color=#ffffff]“Please, enjoy and let the rest of us know if our chefs prepared an adequate meal.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]