[u][b] Augusta Secundus Capital city of New Cortin Star Ranger Frontier Branch HQ [/b][/u] [img] https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/image-is-concept-art-futuristic-city-city-is-depicted-as-being-highly-advanced-with-tall-skyscrapers-flying-cars_1187703-561.jpg [/img] A pair of finely dressed Rangers, a man and a woman, strolled through the sunlight halls of the Frontier HQ. The hums and whirs of hovercraft traffic passing through can faintly be heard as the pair walked down towards their destination, a grand door of ornate design standing before them, a pair of Ranger Sentinels standing guard, giving the pair proper respects with salutes and pushing the doors open for them. The pair proceed forward to be met with a man in his late fifties dressed in a senior ranking ranger uniform, wearing a white coat over his shoulders, this man was the Lord-Captain of the entirety of the Frontier branch, Nathanial Leeson. The two rangers saluted. “Darius Hawthorn, reporting for duty, sir.” The man spoke. “Elisa Hawthorn, reporting, sir.” The woman spoke up. The Hawthorn siblings, a rather infamous pair of Rangers known for their rather unorthodox tactics during the Scorched Line Sieges, much to the annoyance of high-ranking officers of other branches, they often were met with success. Lord-Captain Leeson stood up, hands behind his back. “At ease.” he said, pacing towards the open window, basking in the glare of the late morning sun. “I called you here because of some rather…interesting developments deep in the cluster.” The siblings looked to one another perplexed and intrigued, the Lord-Captain turning to face them. “Heard about the Ghost Nebula Anomalies?” “Vaguely, sir.” Darius answered with a little hand expression. “I’ll spare you the details. Basically, fifty years ago, before the Reclamation Wars, a rather odd ring of…something was discovered, we don’t even know, black holes? A ripe in space? Doesn’t even matter anymore.” He paused as he took a drink of coffee. “What matters is, they’re gone.” “Gone, sir?” Elisa asked. “Exactly as you say, gone.” Nathanial said. “The tears of space seemly have repaired themselves. A whole region of space that’s been closed off for gods-know how long, has suddenly reopened. The higher ups of the Science Ministry had been going ballistic in the past week because of this.” “Uhh…with all due respect, sir.” Darius spoke up. “While this is interesting…what does this exactly have to do with us?” Nathanial nodded as he went around his desk, taking a seat as he leaned forward. “I’ll get to the point; the Science Ministry has made a rather hasty request for a small expedition to what we now call the Ghost Region. A small military task force is being assembled, and we feel a Ranger presence might be needed.” The Lord-Captain paused as he leaned back. “I know this may seem to be an odd assignment, although I’ve known you two for a while, you’re adaptable, and had often overcome whatever challenges you faced. I have a feeling that this mission is right for you.” The siblings took a moment to think it over, looking to one another, reading each other’s expressions, and sending small psionic signals before coming to a rather swift conclusion. Darius, the oldest, stepped forward. “We’ll take the assignment, sir.” A smile formed as the Lord-Captain stood up, clasping his hands. “Good! Very good. You have a few days to prepare, once then, report to the Ranger ship [i]Courageous[/i], dismissed.”