[center][h1]Collab with Chuck, Freya, Jamie, Victor, and Natalie [/h1][/center] [u][i][b][center][h1]Fireteam Poseidon [/h1][/center][/b][/i][/u] [hr] Chuck had helped pull the SDV up the ramp into the aircraft’s hold. He pulled off what was left of his outer heavy armor. It was trashed. He found it easier to move after. He began to look around at his team. Everyone looked to be functioning although he suspected Ebrima was going to need to be looked over at the base. Freya had crawled up onto the SDV then crawled up and helped Chuck pull the SDV in. Kept her helmet closed the whole time until they were all loaded in. But once they were and everyone was settled her face plate snapped open and well maybe she hadn’t been sure how much of her pain she allowed to show on her face. She’s usually more composed than that. His eyes landed on Freya. His heart twisted at the emotional agony on her face. He didn’t know what had happened with Freya on the rig but he could see she was struggling. He struggled for a moment with whether he should give her space or not. He decided to hell with that. He sat on a crate in the back of the aircraft and pulled Freya gently but firmly by the shoulders into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her. He rocked her gently and just tried to be there for her. He knew if she wanted to be alone she would let him know. He also knew he was taking a chance but it was gutting him to see the pain and uncertainty on her face. He whispered into her ear. [color=8dc73f]“It’s okay. The mission is over. Let it out. I’ve got you.” [/color] So she’s just a touch surprised when Chuck tugs her over. At first she’s not quite receptive to it. But something about the way he coos to her. …and she melts into his lap. But still for a time she just sits there, but that rocking and the care he has slowly chips away at her normally stoic and steel hard shell. The first sound could be mistaken for a cough, or a choke. Until the tear is noticed, followed by a matching streak on the other cheek. The big mad lass science girl begins to cry just a little. Then whispers to Chuck, [color=fff200]“This may come as a surprise, but I’m not the chaste girl I make out to be. My sister Athena is more wild, but I have my moments.” [/color]She chokes a bit on her words as she feels she needs to come clean. She closes her eyes and nuzzles into his shoulder, “[color=fff200]Laura and I we..well we’ve been on and off again a lot you see. Work on missions, or projects, and the spark would relight and suddenly we’re back in bed. And it’s all about the gratification right? She’s the source of my pansexual awakening and all…”[/color] She gulps unsure of how that highlight will come across. Chuck knew that Freya was going through something personal that was triggered on the rig. He had been fighting in a different area and did not know what happened in the fight where she was. What he did know was that he liked Freya. She was beautiful, smart, and fun. He had been trying to ask her out for a while now but Raven had been rolling from one crisis to another since he had met her. The team had not really had any downtime. Chuck smiled a little and gave Freya a lopsided grin as she began to speak. He cupped her face with one hand and ran his thumb over her cheek to wipe away the latest tear. He looked her in the eyes and let the grin slide from his face. He could see she was dealing with a lot. He didn’t want to add to her pain. [color=8dc73f]“Freya, we all come with history and emotional baggage. Anyone who says they don’t is lying.”[/color] He shivers a little as she nuzzles into his shoulder. He revels in the amount of trust he knows she is showing him. [color=8dc73f]“Okay so I am not sure what pansexual means. I get that you were in a relationship with Laura…”[/color] He stutters to a stop as his brain puts two and two together. He continues to hold her tight and squeezes her gently in a hug as he continues. [color=8dc73f]“And you had to fight her and leave her behind on the rig that just exploded.” [/color] He didn’t know what to say. He wouldn’t apologize or tell her he was sorry because it was not his fault Laura had been there or on the wrong side this time. All he could do was support her and help her through whatever emotional crisis she was going through. [color=8dc73f]“I won’t pretend I know how you feel right now or what you are going through. All I can tell you is that if you want to talk about it, I will listen. I am not here to judge you. What I see right now is someone I am coming to care about a great deal, in pain.”[/color] He continued to hold her and stroked her hair soothingly as he waited for her to process what he was saying. He wanted the opportunity to get to know her better but now might not be the best time for bringing that up. He would follow her lead. He also didn’t want any misunderstanding with her family. He still wanted to talk to her brother and father. Freya sighs, [color=fff200]“Think of it…like your first love. Who then betrays you and hurts you. Even a little bit. And you then do something that might have hurt them…I don’t know if she’s alive or not. I didn’t get a finisher. Knowing Laura though she’s nursing something painful.”[/color] She huffs and leans her head against him. Chuck lets her snuggle deeper into his lap. He continued to stroke her hair and hold her close. Just letting her talk as she wanted too. He could be patient. It wasn’t like they would be landing in the next ten minutes. The big red headed woman takes a second or two, [color=fff200]“You know…theme of where have all the good guys gone. I think you might be one of them and if we have a chance…really hope we do, I’m glad I get it.”[/color] Yep that’s a dodge of the wanting to talk about it, probably still working things through herself. After abit though, [color=fff200]“You know, my Dad and Brother are going to want to have a long long talk with you. I’m sure they have some inkling, brothers and fathers always do. And my Dad had a traditional upbringing in some ways.”[/color] She hums and nuzzles his chin, like a giant cat, no not a house cat it’s like a giant predator cat nuzzling a human. All she needs is the ears, tail, and claws. [color=fff200]“Don’t let them scare you okay? When ever Athena brings someone new home they get on them. When ever Jamie finds someone Mom and Dad grill them too. I’m the nice girl though, the one who’s waited. So the first guy I like, yes you, they’re going to want to get at.”[/color] She smiles, [color=fff200]“Just be nice. And be patient. Wanna keep you for abit.”[/color] Chuck’s body tightened in response to her nuzzling. His heart fluttered at her words as hope filled him. He chuckled as she warned him about her family. He pulled Freya’s chin around so he could look her in the eyes. [color=8dc73f]“I have every intention of speaking to your father and brother.”[/color] He paused and gave her a bright smile. [color=8dc73f]“Freya, you need to know I am playing for keeps. I plan to make my intentions known to your folks. I respect you and your family. I don’t want to come between you all. I am very close to my family as well. I understand that bond. Are you okay with me talking to them?”[/color] He couldn’t resist brushing a kiss along her lips before pulling back and waiting for her answer. Freya hums and nods, [color=fff200]“Well, that’s good to hear, you’ll get a leg up with that kind of attitude. Just don’t let my Dad get to you, he’s a good guy. But he’s one of the original Super Heavy Juggernauts Chuck, he and my mother literally wrote the book on how we do our business. Everything we learned in our respective training to reach where we are, my parents practically pioneered. So seeing you as a Super Heavy he’s going to be very hard on you.”[/color] Freya gave him a hug and was about to say more but that kiss stops her and she sighs, leaning up and giving him another kiss. What ever else she was going to say forgotten, it’s not so bad to find someone who’s good for you after all. [hr] They had long since made it back to base. Chuck had parted from Freya with mixed feelings. He enjoyed her company but he had things to put in place before he could take the next step. He needed to talk to her father and brother. Chuck needed some food and sleep before taking that on. He wanted to be at the top of his game uncertain how that conversation would go. Chuck had showered and gone to pick up Duke, and they hit the mess hall for some chow. Then he had gone to bed for a good night’s rest after a long battle and then the trip home. He then went to find Freya’s father or at least set up a meeting with him and Jamie. Letting them know he wanted to talk to them in private. It had taken a short bit. No response had come from Victor Kanatariio, but Jamie had come to Chuck maybe a day after Chuck had sent his request. Jamie Cole Kanatariio in the moment had looked stoic and firm. He’d stood and called to the other giant, [color=0072bc]“Chuck, if you’d come with me. I’ve been asked to bring you to a meeting.”[/color] He’d not waited for Chuck to say much Jamie with a rigid step had led the way out to waiting Blue Sword company helicopter. Jamie jumping in and waiting for Chuck. Chuck nodded and followed Jamie with Duke at his side. When he saw the waiting helicopter he paused and looked down at Duke. He pulled a leash out of his pocket and clipped it onto Duke’s collar. He handed the leash to one of the guards around the helipad. Chuck looked at the guard and handed him the leash. [color=39b54a]“This is Duke. I am needed in an urgent meeting. Please take him to Tahlia Harris. Tell her Chuck Simmons has asked that she look after him while I am gone. Thank you.”[/color] He bent down and gave Duke a quick scratch behind the ears. [color=8dc73f]“I will be back boy. Be good for Tahlia.”[/color] Duke woofed at him and gave a happy tail wag before taking a seat. Chuck just smiled and gave him one more pat before following Jamie onto the helicopter. He had to duck quite a bit to miss the whirling rotors. He buckled in for the ride. Jamie didn’t talk to him so he just shrugged and went with it. Chuck had a suspicion that Jamie had been sent to fetch him for his father. The heli had taken them south, finally out of the Park and to the small town of Vuontisjärvi. And there landing at a small landing pad meant for medical choppers. And then again a car brought the pair to a diner tucked into the middle of the town. For all that Victor helps command a large military force. There are no guards. Chuck had watched the scenery pass below them as the helicopter flew them to their destination. He was curious when the copter landed in a small town. Jamie had led him to a waiting car with a driver. He got in without a word curious about where he was going. Chuck was amused when they arrived at a diner. Chuck had been quietly following Jamie. He had been plucked from the base unprepared so he was dressed as he typically would be for the day. He was wearing green camo BDU pants, a black tshirt, and a heavy jacket, with black combat boots. He had a black beanie pulled down over his ears. It was cold at the base with snow on the ground. Chuck followed Jamie into the warm diner. He paused at the door to knock any dirt or snow off his boots before entering the diner. Jamie led the way inside and to the table where his father sat eating a snack. In fact they find Victor nibbling at some mozza sticks, with a large pitcher of diet soda at hand. He hums and motions his son and Chuck over. He gestures to the two seats at the broad table, [color=92278f]“Come on over, the kitchen is taking any orders. Get something to eat and drink and then we talk business, yes?”[/color] Chuck gave Victor a respectful nod. [color=8dc73f]“Thank you sir.”[/color] He pulls off his jacket and hangs it on a hook beside the table. He then takes the indicated seat and looks over the menu while Jamie orders. Chuck looked over the menu with amusement. If this was going to be his last meal, he might as well enjoy it. He respected Victor and Jamie but he also knew that honorable men were protective of the women in their lives. Chuck was super protective of his younger sister Annabelle. It was probably a good thing he was away from home now that she was away at college and dating. He ordered two burgers, fries, onion rings, and a coke. He turned his attention to the other two men. He sits and waits, Jamie ordering a local meat and potato dish and a whole arse pitcher of diet soda as well. The pair look at Chuck as they wait. Jamie’s gaze curious. Victor, big victor Kanatariio, the big Patriarch of the Family that Chuck has expressed interest in, has a look something in the range of a giant predator cat or a big bird of prey. And he’s looking at Chuck like he’s the prey. Chuck waited till the waitress left before turning his attention to the Kanatariio men. [color=8dc73f]“Thank you for inviting me.I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me” [/color]Chuck turned his head to take in Jamie before turning his head back to Victor. He was following the order of business presented by Victor. He said business would come after the meal. He met Victor’s gaze calmly. He understood that Victor and Jamie both were testing him and trying to determine if he was good enough for the battle goddess. Chuck knew he was sitting in a powder keg situation that could end his life. He was not stupid. He also had confidence in his own skills and worth. He also knew that dating the battle goddess would be worth all this trouble. Chuck waited patiently for the next item of business or food. He was content to wait for the deep fried goodness that he had not indulged in for weeks. Eating game meat could get old after a time. [color=8dc73f]“It will be nice to eat something different.” [/color] The meal is polite, with abit of a side of tension. Jamie and Victor are pretty good conversationalists. With a wide range of topics. From Sports, to politics, global and national. They even get into a wonderfully animated conversation about dogs, and Victor gushes abit when introduced to Duke through a picture. He’d commented at how majestic and powerful Duke looks, and what a great partner he has to be. Jamie is a little more stiff, he knows exactly why they are here after all. But he tries to be a good conversationalist. Chuck’s meal was great. It had been a while since he had gotten to indulge in deep fried goodness. It wasn’t his mother’s fried chicken but the onion rings and fries were hot and salty and hit that craving for him. He kept up the light talk as dinner progressed. He happily showed off some pictures and videos of Duke that he had on his phone. [color=8dc73f]“Jamie didn’t tell me where we were going. I would have brought him if I had known it was okay to do so. I felt without knowing it was safer for him to leave him at base. He is well trained and the best canine partner I have ever had.”[/color] The meal passed pleasantly. Victor was everything that Chuck had thought he would be and more. He respected the hell out of him. He would remember to say a prayer tonight that Freya’s father was a man he could understand and not some stuffed suit in an office that he would have nothing in common with. Chuck braced himself as the plates were cleared away. Now came what he expected would be one of his most uncomfortable conversations ever. Chuck would do it though because that is what he would expect for someone who wanted to date his sister or his daughter someday if he was ever blessed with children. Finally though dinner is finished. And the three sit about the table. It’s now that Victor, Big Bad Victor looks at Chuck, [color=92278f]“Enough with the pleasantries for abit. I’m going to be brutally direct.”[/color] He sets the pitcher of his drink down beside him then leans forward, staring at Chuck, [color=92278f]“What are your intentions towards my eldest daughter? Now Freya is important to us. She’s smart, wise, and determined. If she sees something in you, that’s a green flag for you, but I still want to make sure you’re going to treat her right. You’re not going to dampen down her love of science, and if you both continue doing the mercenary thing, that you work with her and keep her safe when you can. Understood kiddo?” [/color] Chuck sat with his hands folded comfortably on the table in front of him. Chuck looked Victor into his eyes and gave him a direct response back. [color=8dc73f]“I asked for this meeting so I could declare those intentions to you directly and ask your blessing to date your daughter. I already told Freya that I am playing for keeps. I call Freya the Battle Goddess. It started out as a passing joke in battle one day. I have found her to be kind, fun, intelligent, wise, beautiful, and deadly. To be blunt sir, she is the whole package. I am old enough and wise enough to know when a good thing crosses my path. My plans are to date your daughter and see where things go. If it leads to marriage, I plan to commit.”[/color] He paused and waited a moment to allow Jamie to chime in as well. He knew his friend would say something because he was breaking bro code where sisters are off limits. Jamie through all that is nodding in agreement. He then pipes up, [color=0054a6]“I’ll be upfront, I’ve suplexed more potential suitors that have tried to do wrong by Freya then I can count. Laura is the only one who pulled up her shorts and kept abreast with Frey. I don’t want to have to do it again. You seem like a good guy Chuck, I’ve seen the looks Freya sends your way. Don’t hurt her.”[/color] Chuck turned his attention to Jamie. [color=8dc73f]“Let me be just as direct with you Jamie. I consider you a friend. It is hard to make friends who can keep up with me physically.”[/color] He gave a wry smile at that thought. Jamie had grown up in a family of giants. Chuck was the only giant in his family. His father, brother, and grandfather were tall but nowhere near his height. That had given him some unique challenges growing up. [color=8dc73f]“I would never knowingly hurt Freya. I also know she is a smart independent woman and would prefer that we men not make decisions for her. However, I also know how much her family means to her. Which is why I told her I was playing for keeps and planned to talk to you both. I asked her if it was alright with her before I asked you both for a meeting. I would never disrespect her.”[/color] Chuck turned from Victor to his son meeting their eyes. The pair of Kanatariio men look across at Chuck steadily. Then out of no where Victor continues with, [color=92278f]“So what kind of Suitor Price can you bring to the table? I know you have a good job, but what can you offer to show you value and care for Freya?”[/color] Chuck looked surprised by that question. He began to sweat a little bit. This was the first thing that he had not been expecting. He was not sure how to respond. He tilted his head to the side in confusion. [color=8dc73f]“Do you mean a dowry? That’s very old fashioned.” [/color]He laughed knowingly and nodded at Victor. [color=8dc73f]“I am pretty sure Freya makes way more money than I do. I have been a military man all my adult life. The pay was better after I moved to Raven but that was a recent development. Uncle Sam doesn’t pay as well but I have retirement and veteran benefits coming to me when I do decide to retire officially.” [/color] He paused thinking about his question. [color=8dc73f]“Well sir, it would need to be something rare and special to be worthy of your daughter. I am not the kind of man who can afford something like that. That means it will need to be something I can do. One of things I can do for you of course is take the odd job here and there for Blue Sword. I am a highly trained and skilled operator. That is not really special enough for Freya’s hand though is it?”[/color] He took a drink of his soda as he thought about it. [color=8dc73f]“I could train you a dog once I have a free stretch of time. I hope to breed Duke in the next year or so and train some of his puppies. Is that something you would like?”[/color] He looked up at Victor with a questioning look on his face. Both Kanatariio men sit there listening and gazing upon Chuck. As he uses the word Dowry Jamie twitches abit but makes no more outward gesture. Victor is straight faced and stoic. The talk of money made Jamie break their silence, [color=0054a6]“You ought to see her contracts Chuck, there’s more Space and Military dollars coming in to her then we can easily count. In fact I understand my big sister has a new mass driver cannon contract to launch satellites and maybe even space craft into space. My sister is going far.”[/color] After abit though Victor can’t help it he bursts out laughing and Jamie lets out an explosive breath he’s been holding since he talked about some of Freya’s accomplishments and future jobs. Jamie huffs, [color=0054a6]‘That was hard…really hard. I didn’t think I could keep it up. Damn Dad, you’re not going to be like this when Athena and I find SOs are you?”[/color] Victor hums and takes a long pull from his drink, [color=92278f]“I’ll think about it.”[/color] He looks at Chuck and nods, [color=0054a6]“No. No and no. I was watching, seeing what you’d be willing to do. You don’t need to work for Blue Sword, you don’t need to contribute from your own pocket. Though the Dog idea sounds nice I wouldn’t want to take that time out from you. No boy…no son.”[/color] The big in body and big in aura man emphasizes that last part. He nods and Jamie grins. Victor continues, [color=92278f]“If you’re really serious, and you can take care of my girl, you got all green lights from me. My wife likes you too and said she’s okay with it as well. Athena, well Athena can talk to you herself. That girl is a force on to her own, all my kids are.”[/color] He looks to Jamie. Chuck couldn’t help the look of relief on his face. [color=8dc73f]“Are you going to tell me what the suitor price is? Please accept my humble apology that I missed some important cultural piece. This is what I would have done for a girl I was serious about in America. I won’t hide my relationships like some American men, only approaching their family later. I respect Freya. Thank you for your blessing sir. I will protect and cherish her.” [/color] Jamie hums and leans forward causing the table to creak under their combined weight, [color=0054a6]“You treat my sister good, you protect her, your care for her, and I got no problem with you seeking her hand alright? Just make sure I’m one of the best men if it gets that far. And remember in family fights…I’m well obligated to hold you down and shank you, rather than her. Still I’ll stand on the field with you, and make sure my sister’s man can make it back to her.”[/color] He gets up then walks over and gives Chuck a paired thump on the shoulder, right and left at the same time, [color=0072bc]“Don’t rush to tie the knot yeah?”[/color] He turns to Jamie and lifts an eyebrow. [color=8dc73f]“We are going to explore what’s between us at the speed that is right for us. That means Freya.”[/color] He liked Jamie but he really didn’t need Freya’s brother telling him to slow down and respect her. From his perspective Freya was jumpy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. It had taken this long to get a kiss and a promise of a date. He understood her enough to know how important her family is to her. He also knew she came from a different culture to him. He wanted to make sure he honored that. If she wanted to move at a glacier’s pace then he would move at a glacier’s pace. That would depend on her needs and her needs alone. Victor nods, [color=92278f]“So we doing dessert? And anything we can ask the kitchen to cook to take home? Freya likes shrimp by the way Jamie.”[/color] He winks, and reaches out to point at the two shrimp dishes on the menu. [color=8dc73f]“Hmmm do they have apple pie or something equivalent? And can I get a couple of burger patties or a plain steak for Duke. It would make a nice apology for him since I had to leave him behind.”[/color] He looked over at Victor with a warm smile. [color=8dc73f]“When Duke has puppies, I will let you know. You can come by and have the pick of the litter. Training always goes better if there is some connection from the very beginning.”[/color] Chuck offered Victor his hand to shake. [color=8dc73f]“I respect you in your own right Victor. My prowess as a canine trainer would only be enhanced by gifting you one of Duke’s own.”[/color] He gave him a wry smile. [color=8dc73f]“I feel like I should at least send your wife an acknowledgement of some kind. Maybe a card and flowers? Any suggestions here?”[/color] He gave Victor a pleading look. He knew it was his grandmother who really ruled the family. He suspected Freya’s mother had more sway then was revealed and he would not knowingly exclude her and piss her off. Victor leans back and hums, [color=92278f]“Natalie…well…hmm how do I…”[/color] He blinks then grabs Jamie and ducks under the table, and good timing too as the front door of the diner bursts inwards, almost like it was kicked. And the thick husky and lets face it sexy Russian accent of Natalie Kanatariio nee Denisova booms, [color=9e0039]“Victor! You left me out of the meeting? I only heard after you left and was not fast enough to catch the plane you took! I am very put out with you! And you! Jamie Cole Kanatariio! You of all people, I thought would let your mother know!”[/color] Jamie and Victor can be heard planning how to get out of this. Something about Jamie going left and Victor going right to make it hard to get pelted. Chuck blinks as chaos seems to center on the diner they are in. Freya’s mother arrived and the atmosphere changed immediately. Victor and Jamie both went scrambling for cover. Chuck couldn’t help but smile a little. He didn’t dare laugh. He had a suspicion but it had just been confirmed. He also knew his balls would be on the chopping block if he didn’t manage a decent deflection and redirection for all of them. Chuck scrambled to his feet which was made more difficult by victor diving under the table. He almost slipped out of his chair. He sat back down again hard before finally managing to free his feet. Victor then comes flying out the side of the table. He takes off running one way and Jamie splits to go the other. As they are Natalie with great strides makes for the table. As as Jamie goes one way and Victor the other she arrives and just barely misses grabbing Victor, [color=9e0039]“Ahhh! I’ll get you both later!”[/color] She turns and looks at Chuck, [color=9e0039]“You…you are the one that my Freya emailed us about. I recognize your face from the picture she sent us.” [/color] He just manages to stand and make sure he looks half presentable when Natalie is standing in front of him. He crosses his hands in front of him and straightens his spine as if he was saluting a superior officer. Chuck offers the woman a respectful nod in greeting. [color=8dc73f]“Hello Mrs Natalie Kanatariio nee Denisova. Yes I am Charles Simmons but all my friends and family call me Chuck. It is a pleasure to meet you. I can see where Freya gets her beauty from.” [/color] She’s a tall, powerful looking woman, chiseled face, a figure to die for, but with a clear power to her. She’s wearing BlueSword fatigues with her Colonel's insignia on it. She narrows her eyes, “My fool of a husband and my son have likely given you their blessings. But.” She opens her hand and offers it out palm up, [color=9e0039]“Hand.”[/color] She orders, [color=9e0039]“Let me look at you.”[/color] Her eyes narrowing, [color=9e0039]“We shall see if you are worthy of our Thrud.”[/color] Chuck obediently offers her his hand. [color=8dc73f]“I want you to know that I did reach out to meet with Victor and Jamie first but my grandmother would have my hide for not seeking your approval as well. As a matter of fact, I had just asked him if bringing you flowers would be appropriate.”[/color] Chuck knew he was being judged and felt as if he made the wrong move here would cost him dearly. He had never felt danger more acutely in his life. All his senses and instincts were telling him to run. He cleared his throat and waited patiently for judgment. [color=8dc73f]“I guess all I can do is hope that I pass your judgment then. I respect Freya and would never ever disrespect her or intentionally hurt her. May I say madam that your daughter is one of the most amazing women I have ever met?”[/color] He gave her a sincere smile and tried not to quake in his boots like a cadet at boot camp. Natalie took Chuck’s hand in hers, and held it, her grip starting faint, as she looked at his palm, looking it over. She seemed to be reading his whole being through his hand. Her thumb brushed across his palm, [color=9e0039]“You are a good man clearly. Strong, powerful, wise.”[/color] She hums and takes his hand in a classic hand shake style, [color=9e0039]“You are kind and caring too.”[/color] She nods slowly again, then begins to squeeze, the grip tightening. Jamie where he’s holding a chair in front of him across the room watches. Swallowing loudly. Victor has edged closer [color=9e0039]“Lover, my Valkyrie, be gentle, he is a good man. He has the mind and the body and the soul to be good for our daughter.”[/color] Natalie turned and glared her husband down [color=9e0039]“It is my turn my love. You wait. I shall be with you shortly.”[/color] She turned back then to Chuck, her grip getting tighter, and watched him as if expecting him to begin to respond, her grip getting stronger and stronger, tighter and tighter. Victor might be a physical powerhouse, but Natalie is that and more, a weight behind her physically and mentally, [color=9e0039]“My daughter has a future, among a powerful community of governments and agencies. Will you support her? Without feeling lessened? Will you stand by her when she is at her lowest and when she is soaring beyond the clouds and even among the deepest voids of the future? She is not invincible. She is mortal though she is onto a young goddess, she has far to go and has room to grow, she needs a partner who will stand beside her, behind her or in front of her as the need arises.”[/color] If Freya is a giant in intellect, Natalie is a giant in aura and sheer physical presence, like her husband. And like that her test for Chuck is physical more then anything. Where Jamie and Victor had tested him emotionally, Natalie’s test is more physical and mental. She waits and watches, [color=9e0039]“I want you to know I want only what’s best for my children, when Athena and Jamie are ready I may do a similar test for their partners, but you are first to reach the heart of one of my children, and i want to make sure you are good for her. This is personal and professional. I want to make sure this is right.”[/color] Chuck stood there and watched as Natalie examined his hand. He carefully and gently wrapped his fingers around her hand. He didn’t give in to the need to play who can crush whose hand. He stiffened the muscles of his hand to make it rigid to help prevent her from pushing his bones against one another. That didn’t mean that she couldn’t but it would perhaps minimize the damage she could do. He used his hand to pull her closer before answering. He looked down into her eyes, just like Freya there was not far to go. [color=8dc73f]“With all due respect ma'am, if I was looking for something casual I could have it. I warned Freya that I am playing for keeps. I am looking for a partner to walk through life with. Freya is beautiful, intelligent, independent, and deadly in her own right. I will always do my best to rise to the occasion to be what SHE needs. Freya doesn’t need me to walk beside her at all. She is an amazing woman. I am a man smart enough to see that. If I get to walk beside her, it will be her choice. I would never disrespect her by thinking she needs my protection, help, support, or advice. That doesn’t mean I won’t freely give it and do it anyway even if it annoys her. I will do it because I care about her.”[/color] He released her hand allowing her to step back. Chuck gave her a momentary pause before he bowed respectfully to her. Just like in martial arts though, he kept his eyes on his opponent even as he rose back up from the bow. [color=8dc73f]“I asked to meet with you and your family because I understand how important her family is to Freya. If I truly want to walk beside her, then I need to ensure that my presence is not going to cause issues between her and her family.” [/color]Chuck’s eyes softened and he gave Natalie a warm smile as he thought about Natalie meeting the grandmother he was named after. He couldn’t think of Charlie without smiling. He loved his spunky sassy outspoken grandmother. [color=8dc73f]“I understand you want what is best for Freya. My grandmother would have my hide if I didn’t show my respect to Freya by asking for your permission to date your daughter. It is right that her family knows the measure of a man that will be important in her life.”[/color] He then continued to smile at her and waited. He was either about to die, be maimed horribly, or be given his marching orders. Natalie smiles and then gives Chuck’s hand a firm, lively hand shake, [color=9e0039]“Good you are smart. And can likely keep up with our Thrud. My son and my husband have given you their blessing.”[/color] With a wide grin she nods, [color=9e0039]“I shall give you mine. Pursue my daughter. Make her happy. Help her, love her. And do not rush wooing her. For she will be ready when she chooses.”[/color] She releases Chuck’s hand, spins and grabs Victor’s ear, [color=9e0039]“You! Come with me!”[/color] She points at Jamie who freezes like a prey animal in head lights, [color=9e0039]“You! You have a job to do here still. Do it.”[/color] And again at Chuck, [color=9e0039]“Well done young man. I hope to learn more of you in the future.”[/color] She then frog marches Victor towards the door, [color=9e0039]“You better have ordered me some steaks! Owner! Bill Blue Sword PMC for any expenses.”[/color] And off go the Elder Kanatariio’s out the door, to a waiting vehicle to take them out. Jamie lets out a huff, [color=0054a6]“I think we dodged a bullet there Chuck, feel free to put in some orders to go. I think we’re safe now.”[/color] Chuck just smiled back as Freya’s mother gave her blessing to him in one breath and was dragging her husband out the door as she barked orders at Jamie with the next. Chuck just saluted Natalie with a snappy [color=8dc73f]“Yes Ma’am!”[/color] Meeting her was like meeting with a force of nature. He waited till the door had closed behind them before turning to Jamie with an amused expression. [color=8dc73f]“Jamie, remind me to never EVER piss off your mother. I was worried there for a moment.”[/color] He wiped away the tension sweat on his forehead. He turned to the amused looking older waitress and placed their orders to go. They left with several to go boxes in plastic bags as the helicopter took off from the small diner. It felt as if he had returned to the base at warp speed when it had taken a bit to get to the diner in the first place. He had Jamie separated once they made it back to base. He took the bag with the shrimp entree that had been ordered for Freya. He planned to deliver it to her room with a note on top asking her out on a date. The note had his phone number on it. He knocked on the door and waited for it to open. He handed her the box with a smile. [color=8dc73f]“I talked to your family, my dear Freya. We have their blessing. Let me know where you would like to go on our first date.”[/color] He handed the meal over planning to just turn on his heel and leave. He would wait for her to contact him. He also needed a breather after the ferocious love of the Kanatariio family and he owed his dog some attention. Freya had not been quite prepared to open her door, see her brother race by behind Chuck making for his room down the hall away from the two. She stared at Chuck and the shrimp dish then blushed, [color=fff200]“Oh no what’d they do? Wait did they…they gave you, oh those…”[/color] Chuck pauses as she tugged on his jacket before he could step away. She takes a deep breath and grabs him by the collar before he can get far, placing a kiss on his cheek, [color=fff200]“I’ll get in touch with you later. Go rest up, my parents really did a number didn’t they? I’ll get Jamie for this later. Go sweetie. We’ll talk later.”[/color] Chuck smiled down at Freya and gave her a quick hug and a warm smile. [color=8dc73f]"Darling we both know that the scariest member of your family is not your brother or father. It's your mother."[/color] He placed a quick kiss on her forehead. [color=8dc73f]"I will be fine but I owe Duke some attention. I look forward to our talk. Enjoy your shrimp."[/color] He then walked off to find Tahlia and his dog. She sighs and only after Chuck has left does she close her door and do a little happy giggle dance behind it. No chance anyone will see the big Battle Goddess do that in public.