Almost have an idea of the roster finalized. When it is done, I will start writing the first IC posts and ask for you guys to transfer respective sheets over. Currently stuck between a handful of sheets with only two slots remaining at this time. The first five accepted characters are as follows and can add their sheets to the characters tab: [hider=🔴 THE REDS 🔴] [color=26adc0]Annifer[/color] [sub][@Kuro] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Light [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Earth[/sub] [color=red]Ionna Rielle[/color] [sub][@McMolly] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Dark [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Thunder[/sub] [color=00aeef]Kazran Harrond[/color] [sub][@webboysurf] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Light [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Earth[/sub] [color=FFC0CB]Lina Ariesca[/color] [sub][@Lemons] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Light [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Fire[/sub] [color=green]Toma Morriss[/color] [sub][@Eisenhorn] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Dark [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Ice[/sub][/hider]