[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5568688][color=00ff66][h3][b]Qaymu[/b][/h3][/color][/url][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/117x117q90/924/oUoOJg.png[/img] [hr][i]Bldg 2, Qaymu's Apt.[/i] [hr] [b]It's grown.[/b] Qaymu froze, turning to face the figure currently standing in front of his Memories wall. He had heard nothing, but it had chosen to make itself known to him. "Yes, a friend died today...." [b]Will die today,[/b] the figure shrugged. [b]My sympathies. You do understand, it's nothing personal.[/b] "Yes..." Qaymu drawls. "How... how did you get in?" [b]Is that what you want to ask of me?[/b] One could almost see the grin. [b]I am everywhere. What you call reality is merely a shadow of existence.[/b] "So, why are you here?" Qaymu asks, sweating. "Is it...?" [b]Spoilers. Although I do wonder when it's your time, who will put your remembrance on the shelf? Perhaps, if you don't mind, I can do that for you. When the time comes.[/b] "Thank...you?" [b]Oh no,[/b] the figure said, turning so he could see the light of eternity glowing through the eye socket. [b]Thank you. That would be a simple courtesy, one professional to another. May I have a cup of tea?[/b] "Tea? Oh yes, certainly...!" Qaymu said, turning towards the kitchen. [b]Oh dear, I need to run. Another time, perhaps?[/b] Qaymu turned, but the apparition had already vanished. "Another time," he replied, hollowly.