[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240704/15c5dce39db5f4bba3924f90f056f479.png[/img][/center] [quote][sub][color=PaleTurquoise] September 20th, 2029. H.E.R.O. One, Savior Island, Castleburg On a mission with: TBC [/color][/sub][/quote] [hr] Madison had been having trouble sleeping ever since the festival. Her main contribution had been to give the real Heroes a pre-emptive warning. She could barely take care of some robots, while other Heroes her age beat and apprehended the bad guys and saved the day. Why? Why was Madison struggling to stand out? When she graduated from the academy, everything felt so hopeful. She was on the first step of a promising career. She couldn't just chalk it up to bad luck or a lack of opportunity. She had the opportunity to stand out one week ago ad couldn't rise to the occassion. Something wasn't working. So she'd gotten up at 4:30am to go for a jog, and was now in H.E.R.O. One's gym, working out her issueswith exercise. As always, her mantra was 'try harder'. If she trained until she suffered, that suffering was sure to pay off. She needed to get stronger. She'll never manage to build a career like this... Her Hero watch blared the emergency alarm. She put down the bar and checked it. A landslide! Nineteen people missing! Madison started sprinting out ofthe gym and towards the garage. This is what she was a Hero for. How dare she be moping about not being famous yet. People's lives were at stake! Her gym clothes weren't dissimilar to her costume, so when she reached her bike, she simply slipped on her domino mask, then her motorbike helmet, revved up and sped out the slipway. She was driving just fast enough that she wouldn't be pulled over by the cops but might trip some cameras. She arrived at the scene, quickly parked her bike at the side of the road, and rushed over to the affected area. She immediately dove into the first destroyed house she saw, yelling as she searched the wreckage. It was immediately after that where another voice came in through her watch. It was Dahlia. And she was right. Madison's adreneline was running too high. She skipped step one. She made her way out of the building and joined the other Heroes who'd just arrived slightly after her. She approached the emergency services. Another one of the Heroes, a proper adult who Madison admittedly wasn't familiar with, mentioned that he'd sent coin out and that they'd be hovering over houses with living people trapped inside. Madison tookoff in a sprint. It didn't take long for her to find a coin over a pile of rubble Madison wouldn't even have registered as once belonging to a house if she hadn't seen the coin. She extended her arms to wired, ran them over the street lamp for leverage, and then wrapped her wire around the rubble, using her own arms as a winch as she recalled the steel wire back to her body and lifting the debris. A dusty, coughing middle aged man with a mask of blood on his face clambered out, then turned round to help out his wife, who was limping heavily. Madison lowered the heavy rubble back to the ground once the twoof them were clear and helped the woman hobble to the medical tent. The man clearly was using thelast of his strength just to walk alongside them before he passed out in the arms of a medic. Madison turned back out to keep searching.