[quote=@BunniesOfDoom] [@Expendable] Is your dude just casually chatting up death? [/quote] I cleared it beforehand with Dragonydas, Death is now an NPC. He never speaks, you just know what he's saying without actually hearing it. Players will have to decide for themselves if their character can see Death or not. I suspect Velvet & Suzy can. Death may pop in simply as a reminder to long-lived characters that they themselves are not immortal. [quote=@CitrusArms] Expendable with the Monty Python "and now for sometime completely different" Only it's totally somber and not a comedy bit. Casual chat with death, huh? Not something you normally associate with dragons. Interesting. [/quote] I doubt there's many dragons Death would want to talk to, there's so few who could see Death. They've sorta bumped into each other over the years. Qaymu is often left wondering why Death chose to visit. He may check for knights outside his door. [quote=@Xaltwind] There's an old movie over here which tells the tale of a knight during the Black Plague-period, and he ends up playing chess with Death. He does this on a bet that if he wins, he gets to live. But if Death wings, he - and all his retainers and family - all get scythed. ... He doesn't win... ... Qaymu doesn't have a chessboard in his hoard, right...? [/quote] Several in the games chest. Including a roll-up board with disks for each of the pieces from a WW2 Red Cross parcel. They do play, sometimes, but never for stakes. Death is an incredible player of many games of chance and strategy. [quote=@Silver Carrot] I'm drawing a blank on how to make a reply post with enough meat on the bones. The pressure of not having posted for five days due to work is making me lose focus. Bear with me [/quote] I think she might be pining for more freedom to move about, myself. It's a good-sized courtyard, but still confining I would think. If there was only some place she might go? [hider=video][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBNlI7WLsZ8[/youtube] I don't think she need to use it in quite the same way as Castela does.[/hider] Has she had breakfast, yet? perhaps new companions can join her for a bite.