This one took a whole day of contemplation. I liked the majority of the sheets I received for this RP, but ultimately I went with what I felt had the dynamic I was looking for. At any rate, I will be working on the IC post over the weekend barring any issues from the Nursing Facility which has been giving me the runaround about my dad's stay there. The last five accepted characters are as follows and can add their sheets to the characters tab: [hider=🔵 THE BLUES 🔵] [color=5B6BBB]Ashraf In'nalai[/color] [sub][@Yankee] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Light [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Fire[/sub] [color=399cf2]Sternwyss [/color] [sub][@Feyblue] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Dark [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] N/A[/sub] [color=CD7F32]Sarnai[/color] [sub][@ERode] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Dark [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Water[/sub] [color=BFF4BE]Ynga Nordavind[/color] [sub][@Asura] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Light [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Wind[/sub] [color=996515]Zyran Siada[/color] [sub][@AlteredTundra] [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Dark [color=black][b]⯁[/b][/color] Thunder[/sub] [/hider]