[center][H2][color=gold]Eilidh Chiron[/color][/H2] [hr] Location: Building 2, Courtyard Interactions: [@Morgannis], [@Xaltwind] Mentions: [@BunniesOfDoom] [hr][/center] [color=gold]"It's good to hear you're doin' well!"[/color] the centaur responded cheerfully in her broad Highlands accent. Eilidh had a manner of smiling with her whole face. It wouldn't feel out of place for her tail to be wagging while she talked. Fir the first few weeks, Eilidh had been homesick but once this modern way of living clicked, Eilidh couldn't remember the last time she didn't wear her zest for this life on her sleeve. She was like walking sunshine. [color=gold]"I haven't actually had breakfast yet, as I don't like to run on a full stomach. But I know, right? There isn't a better start to the morning than exercise on a nice day! Wha-"[/color] Whatever she was about to ask died in her throat as her stomach rumbled and she blushed in mortified embarrasment. She sheepishly tried to laugh it off. [color=gold]"...I think that's a sign I should go and get breakfast now, hahaha..."[/color] As she trot past him towards the cafeteria, she wished the ground would swallow her up. She hadn't realised how hungry she was. On the way back, she saw a werewolf sit down next to a tree in the distance and demolish and entire steak before transforming into a human and lying down for a nap. Bacon. Eilidh suddenly had a strong appetite for her breakfast to include bacon in it somewhere. As Eilidh got closer to the Building One entrance where the cafeteria she frequented was located, she saw an unfamiliar fox lady. Eilidh wasmore familiar with her neighbors on the ground floor of Building 2, so most of the residents of the other two buildings were relative strangers. Eilidh always arrived at the cafeteria after the early risers and before the late risers so it was usually on the emptier side by the time she got there. She wasn't going tosay anything to the fox lady as she was sitting on a bench with her eyes closed, not exactly inviting strangers to talk to her. But, she hadn't noticed that her...very loose robe was riding dangerously low in public. Eilidh didn't swing that way but this lady's impressive cleavage was like a black hole that stole away Eilidh's gaze and focus. Eilidh's chest was not particularly small but she began to feel a little...overshadowed. [color=gold]"Um, excuse me, miss. Your kimono's slipping a little."[/color]