[quote=@souleaterfan320] The attack gouges through Abel's right shoulder, causing the amaranthine at that point to crumble like dust* [color=ed1c24]W-WHAT IS THIS POWER??[/color] *looks at the knife* [color=ed1c24]... you used the inferior ones soul.... I see. No matter, the Amaranthine will provide.[/color] *my aura erupts like a blaze, the pressure much like the concussive force of a supernova. Suddenly, 4 more arms burst out from my back* [color=ed1c24]Warrior's Arsenal: Exalibur. Joyeuse. Kusanagi. Masamune. Mjolnir.[/color] *near exact copies of each weapon appear in my hands, each of them emitting their own auras* [color=ed1c24][i]This ends. Right Now.[/i][/color] [/quote] *Spins a pair of blades connected by a cord into a reverse grip, leaving one of them dangling, the other locked in place with a pair of knuckles on my hands* You're right about one thing. *Summersaults over you, pulling one of the blades behind me like a whip, accelerating it into your eye with deadly precision*