[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/339cd402-4709-43b1-bb80-26bc84bcf2ee.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/42328e22-03db-4a4b-84c1-d6668390ae72.png[/img][/center][hr][b] [color=9e0b0f]Locations:[/color] Bldg 1, Restaurant [color=9e0b0f]Interactions: [@CitrusArms][/color][/b][hr] Ryū picked up the strawberry, holding it between thumb and forefinger as she observed it with a sceptical gaze. It felt firm but tender to her touch, and she notized her skin got smudged with red juice as she tried squeezing it a little. Not unlike blood. She had no taste for the sanguine substance, of course, preferring her food charred and hot, but it got her wondering if there was such a thing as a berry barbecue. No matter - there was a first for everything, and she supposed this strawberry could be her first step on the journey to discovering fruits and vegetables. Popping the small delight into her mouth, she bit down and was immediately shocked at the flavor. Sweet! Incredibly sweet! Almost too much so. Her human form seemed to enjoy the taste, salivating as she chewed the strawberry, but she was not used to it. None of her usual food tasted sweet. To an observer, Ryūs expression would've seemed bothered or concentrated, her brows locked in a frown as she ate the berry with slow and ponderous movements of her jaw. She swallowed it down in the end, unsure of what she thought about it. Had she hated it? No. But had she enjoyed it? Questionable. Turning her attention back to Yumeiko, Ryū plopped down on the chair opposite her, leaning in over the table. The spirit fox had said something about patrons being able to pet her, which instantly got the dragon curious. What was a patron, and could she become one? She would have to explore the subject further. [color=9e0b0f]So, no hoards, then[/color], she said, eyes locked with Yumeiko, [color=9e0b0f]But a... shrine? Like a temple? I had a temple once! Or, well, humans built a temple in my cave once. They did a lot of funky mumbo jumbo there, dressing in silly costumes like make-believe dragons while singing and dancing to strange chants. Maybe they thought dragons like that kind of stuff. Some of them came asking for stuff, trying to sweet talk me into helping them with their problems - mostly destroying their enemies or burning down some city or other. I mostly slept through it. Then one day I woke up while they were trying to attach a big steel collar to my neck. Very rude. So I ate some and turned the rest to ash. No more temple for them, heehee!~[/color] She had gotten herself lost in her memory, staring into space while grinning madly. Seeing the spirit foxes expression, she quickly snapped out of it and tried getting back to the matter at hand. [color=9e0b0f]So, you guys get... patrons?[/color] she asked, [color=9e0b0f]What does a patron, like, do? How do people become patrons, and[/color], she wet her lips as she came to the point, [color=9e0b0f]When do they get to touch the tails?[/color]