[color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Monday April 3rd, 2094[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Meeting between Han Hyeon-Ae and Paul Mulder [/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Paul smiled as he showered after his morning workout. He was preparing for his meeting with Hyeon-Ae. He wondered if she had forgiven him yet for teasing her at the BioCHO party and then beating her in the race. He had seen her at the party she had hosted at the nightclub. Nightclubs are notoriously loud though and it is hard to hold a conversation. Not to mention she was busy being a good hostess. She was polite at the party but he didn’t really get to know her any better. He could tell she had her “on face” on. He had one himself. It was that neutral pleasant face he used when he needed to deal with the media or people he didn’t know very well. Everyone has some version of social mask they use when in uncertain social situations. It was hard to tell Hyeon-Ae’s from her normal. He wondered if that was why they gave her so much grief. He grinned as he was determined to make her at least laugh once during the meeting. He wanted to take her somewhere fun and unexpected. He had given it a lot of thought. He had settled on a cat cafe. It sounded innocent enough. It would be interesting to see how Hyeon-Ae dealt with animals. She was always so fussy and formal. He loved seeing her come out of her shell a little. Sanberg had agreed as he had given him the name of the cafe and the address. He was meeting her at a cafe called Cafe Mocha. Paul finished getting ready. He chose to wear navy blue slacks, and a gray button down. He paired it with a black leather jacket, boots, and a belt. He made sure he had his tablet, phone, and wallet. Then he and his security guard took off for the cafe. He arrived and paid the entry fee for him, his security guard, and Hyeon-Ae. He wanted to arrive first so he could pick out a good table for them. Cat cafes were popular here in Japan. He hoped their timing an hour before the lunch rush would be quieter. He hoped she enjoyed the surprise. He grinned anticipating her arrival. He found a couch towards the back wall with a recliner next to it. There was a tall cat tree next to the couch. There was a low coffee table in front of the couch. This would do nicely. He made sure his guard was happy with the place before he took one side of the couch. He ordered a cappuccino. Paul looked around the charming cafe that almost felt like a child’s play place but was set up to cater to the cats who lived here. The true stars who made this cafe home. The interior of the cafe was set up as a pretend cat home. There were colorful shelves and cat perches across the walls with paintings surrounding the perches like colorful birds. There was what looked like a large dollhouse but had multiple compartments with cat beds in them. There were cats everywhere you looked, all colors, short hair, no hair, long hair. Paul had always been fascinated with cats but his mother had refused to let him have a pet when he had lived at home. Now he was gone too much. How had he not visited a cat cafe sooner? This was a fabulous decision. He would have to start seeking them out as he traveled with the team. A white haired Persian jumped up into his lap pushing her head under his hand demanding attention. Paul laughed in delight as he began to pet the cat. She collapsed into his lap and purred as she kneaded his leg. Paul found himself talking to the cat. Paul: [color=fff200]“And what is your name, M’Lady?”[/color] Paul looked at the name tag on the cat’s collar. He smiled as he laughed a little. [color=fff200]“Why of course you would be named something aristocratic. My apologies you grace. I will endeavor to give you a good petting, Duchess.”[/color] Paul sat playing and petting Duchess as he waited for Hyeon-Ae to show up. And show up she did. Fashionably late, approximately the time it would take to arrive exactly when asked and then walk from the car. Entering through the door with an implacable stride that suggested she owned the ground she walked on, Hyeon-Ae made her presence known without speaking a word. Dressed in trendy, fine-cut pants and a matching blazer and expensive-looking, she drew attention simply by looking like she walked out of a fashion magazine. The two broad-shouldered people in dark suits behind her didn't help - though they kept their distance so long as she stayed in view it seemed. The Korean woman surveyed the café with a searching gaze full of intent. It was only when she spotted Paul that her expression softened, and she made her way over with rapid steps. [color=magenta]”I hope I did not keep you waiting long,”[/color] Hyeon-Ae apologized softly as she moved to sit down opposite him, taking off her sunglasses. Her eyes fell to the cat. [color=magenta]”Though perhaps you would have managed without me for a while yet.”[/color] Paul continued to pet Duchess as he smiled at Hyeon-Ae. [color=fff200]”Hello Hyeon-Ae. I haven’t been here long. Thank you for agreeing to meet me here.”[/color] He smiled at her witty remark. [color=fff200]“How rude of me. Allow me to introduce you to Duchess here.” [/color]He held up the fluffy white cat as he continued to scratch behind her ears. He smiled as a playful tiger striped cat jumped up next to Hyeon-Ae. [color=fff200]”It looks like you have your own lap warmer.”[/color] [color=magenta]“I see your habit of making unpredictable plays extends beyond the track - most choose a restaurant or a tea parlor.”[/color] Hyeon-Ae chided with a mild smile, entirely good-natured as far as anyone could tell. She seemed to mostly ignore the cat cozying close to her for now, which in cat logic only meant that the cat grew more interested in this calm new person.[color=magenta] “A lesser woman might think you're making light of her, after this weekend.”[/color] Paul gave Hyeon-Ae a charming smile. [color=fff200]“I felt a more relaxed setting might be good for our discussion and you. You don’t mind meeting here do you? They do serve beverages and food. I ordered a cappuccino for myself. What can I get for you?” [/color] Paul allowed Duchess to continue her kneading as he chatted with Hyeon-Ae. He shook his head in the negative. [color=fff200]“I have always respected your skill on the track. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to win though. I will always fight hard to win a race. I don’t think Tokyo was very good for either of us this weekend.”[/color] Paul winced remembering that he did beat her but his teammate had landed in 16th position. Alexander hadn’t said anything to him about the race in Tokyo but he suspected he would be forced to address issues with Dorian. Sometimes it was nice to be the rookie. You can blame it on inexperience. He sighed a little and returned his attention back to Hyeon-Ae. [color=fff200] “I tried to say hello at the party but you were surrounded and busy playing hostess. I hope you forgive me for not offering up a dance or two?”[/color] Hyeon-Ae chuckled softly in turn, a placating smile dressed over her expression. [color=magenta]”Perhaps not the optimal environment for the dances I prefer, so it may have been for the best.”[/color] she commented conspiratorially as the cat took bolder interest, and she relented, reaching out to pet the striped monster that assailed her. It bonked her arm with its head in an attempt to garner more affection and sidle up against her. But Hyeon-Ae’s attention was on Paul. [color=magenta]”This is a lot calmer, and a lot less stressful, by comparison. Perhaps something to import into the boardrooms in Zygon.”[/color] Paul continued to pet Duchess with one hand as he turned his attention to Hyeon-Ae. He gave her a slow smile as he remarked on her comment. [color=fff200]”What kind of dances do you prefer?” [/color] He couldn’t help wanting to know more about her. [color=fff200] “I was surprised that you seemed so at home in the nightclub. I admit I was not very good company last night.” [/color] He gave her a rueful grin thinking it was probably a good thing for him that he had not found time for a conversation last night. He probably would have said something that pissed her off. He gave her a mischievous grin at her comment. He watched her lips for signs of amusement. [color=fff200]“Maybe Zygon would benefit from an introduction of cat culture. Can you picture your team principal petting a cat like Duchess through a board meeting?” [/color] Hyeon-Ae took the time to tap at her chin in theatrical thoughtfulness, indulging and matching Paul's mischief with unbridled emphatic charisma. Her own smile was equally mischievous, even if only to entertain her partner in crime. [color=magenta]”Surprisingly, yes. I think after Cassie Neves, Mr. Jinwoo would be the first to be pleased with such a change. Stroking his chin or a cat in thought - it would be the same to him, I think. The others, perhaps not so much.”[/color] Paul’s smile grew warmer as she shared his thoughts with Hyeon-Ae.[color=fff200] “Well I can’t picture Alexander Knight sitting at a meeting petting a cat. I think he would break out in hives. Every time I see him he is moving. I think he is allergic to sitting still.”[/color] She gave the striped monster a good scritch behind the ear as she spoke. [color=magenta]”As for dancing, I am not trained in any specifics, but I always enjoyed the smooth movements of ballet. And some archaic forms of dancing from the west. I've only seen them in netvids, though. Are you an avid dancer, Paul?”[/color] Hyeon-Ae smiled and offered back in polite response, shifting briefly as she silenced her phone from buzzing with a fluid motion into her pocket. He looked thoughtful as he pondered her question about dancing. [color=fff200]“My mother didn’t want me to embarrass her at formal events. She attends a lot of them for the foundation and for her interests in the art world. She made me take ballroom dance lessons when I was younger.”[/color] He winked at Hyeon-Ae.[color=fff200] “I like dancing and it was good exercise for cardio. So I took Salsa and Hip Hop lessons too.”[/color] He leaned forward and grabbed his mug while taking a sip. Duchess decided that was not allowed and abandoned him the moment he stopped petting. It amused Paul that she stalked over to his bodyguard and began rubbing against the man’s leg. He smiled in amusement as the man tried to shoo the cat away. He was obviously not a cat lover. Paul set the mug down once more. [color=fff200]“Well you have had time to research the Mulder Foundation and me. Not that there is much about me that couldn’t be discovered with an internet search. What are your thoughts about my proposal?” [/color] Hyeon-Ae chuckled softly in turn, hiding her lips behind a smoothly lifted hand. [color=magenta]”I would not trust the internet to deliver anything but the most extreme views. But, neither that nor my independent query brought me any reason to be worried. I hope I did not insult you by prolonging an answer.”[/color] The Korean pilot was being beset by a mild assault; two new cats had grown bored in the distance and taken an interest in her by mere happenstance. It didn't seem to vex her much. [color=magenta]”Would you briefly remind me what will be required of me? I'm happy to be of assistance.”[/color] Paul couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head at her dry sincere delivery. [color=fff200]“Honestly, I would expect no less from you. You come across as someone very driven, smart, and detail oriented. You seem like the type of person who always does their homework and has it done ahead of time, with citations, correlations, graphs, and charts.”[/color] He gave her a wry smile. [color=fff200]“I am not insulted that you wanted to check it out first. I understand that our image is just as important as our performance on the track.” [/color]He gives her a long searching look. [color=fff200]“Can I be honest with you about something?”[/color] He pauses waiting for her reaction. Hyeon-Ae looked momentarily surprised, though it was difficult to tell if that apparent naivete was just a front. She leaned forward as if to touch his arm, but stopped at the mere gesture. [color=magenta]”Of course…”[/color] she intoned gently. Paul waits for her response before continuing. He leans closer to her and lowers his voice so only she can hear him. [color=fff200]“I don’t understand why the press seems to pick on you. If anything, you often sound scripted. You never look less than perfect. A little more spontaneity and a little mess might help you seem more friendly and approachable to fans and the media. It is one of the reasons I approached you about this offer. I figured some humanitarian press would benefit your image.”[/color] He leaned back just a little and looked her in the eyes. [color=fff200]“It also gave me an excuse to talk to you.”[/color] He shrugged just a little and gave her a shy smile. [color=fff200]“You looked like you could use a friend. I grew up in the shadow of my father in the media’s eye. I know how lonely that can be.”[/color] The Korean pilot looked down at the cats briefly, the small smile going through phases all on their own, a wealth of emotions playing out on her masterfully held expression when studied closer. Eventually she deigned to respond with a simple [color=magenta]”That’s very kind of you, Paul.”[/color], before letting the silence hang for a while between them. For some reason the woman was suddenly more interested in cuddling with the cats. Paul finally got around to answering her original question. [color=fff200]“How would you like to be involved? Bea is designing a t-shirt for the foundation. She is going to get part of the proceeds. She is also painting an original piece that will be auctioned to the highest bidder and she will receive half of the money. The charity auction will take place at a charity gala for the foundation that will be held after the summer break in Brussels where the foundation is headquartered. I assumed that you would want some good publicity out of the event and would like to attend the gala. I was thinking you could donate something for the auction. Maybe a photo collage of you, your ship, and a signed helmet or something like, something Formula AG collectors would bid on. Do you have any hidden talents like Bea? Do you paint or write poetry?”[/color] [color=magenta]”Hidden talents… I’m afraid beyond my old activism, and some sporting, I am not much good at anything.”[/color] she bowed her head apologetically as if to underscore some professed humility. [color=magenta]”I am happy to offer team- and personal bidding material. I’m happy to reach out to some predecessors as well, if you would like some more Zygon talents to pitch in. I hear we have some aspiring talents in the youth ranks as well.”[/color] Paul’s smile fell and he frowned a little at her wording. He once more kept his voice intentionally low as he knew neither of them really wanted to attract the public’s attention. [color=fff200]“That is a very generous offer but Hyeon-Ae, we both know that is not true. You are a very good racer. You have beaten me often enough. There are only a handful of people in the world that rise to our level of competition. I did not tell you that to critique. You simply come across as very formal and stiff. I thought you could use a little fun in your life.”[/color] He gave her a wry grin. [color=fff200] “That is partially why I chose the cat cafe. I want a pet cat but it would not be fair to the poor thing with how much I am away from home.”[/color] He paused and gave her a worried look. She dipped her head aside briefly and offered an embarrassed smile, brief and flitting. [color=magenta]”I do not wish to brag. Most of my talents are, ah, how do you say it. Personal? I am doing so many hobbies. I like to work out and work on myself. Cassie also asked me to be less stiff. I am offending.”[/color] Despite her phrasing, she did not seem that upset, rather a mixture between coy and talkative. [color=magenta]”I am good with, you know, chess, and a little piano, and fencing, but not much to give away. Only my money.”[/color] Paul reached across the table and took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. [color=fff200] “Now that I can believe. I will let you decide what you would like to put up at auction. Would you be willing to attend the Charity Gala to present it to bidders?”[/color] He gave her a warm slow smile before letting her have her hand back. [color=fff200] “There will be ballroom dancing at the gala. I am hoping the attendance of other racers will draw people in for the gala and sell tickets. I appreciate that thought as well. I could have simply made a donation but there is more for the foundation to gain by me setting it up this way. Exposure and bringing more public awareness to their work. I appreciate your willingness to be a part of it.”[/color] Paul sat back and a new cat jumped up next to him. This one was a ginger tabby. He laughed a little and scratched the cat behind the ears.[color=fff200] “Well Hello Mr.” He looked at the name tag “Mr. O’Malley.” [/color] He continued to scratch the ginger furred cat who had settled into his lap like a warm fur blanket. The cat was large and heavy. Hyeon-Ae smiled yet again, this time perhaps a more genuine than her past playful smiles. Taking a few moments to consider the situation as Paul busied himself with the new cat-attack. [color=magenta]”I think it is a good thing you are doing. A lot of people simply sit still and hope change will come. I have read that it was even worse in the past. You are doing an admirable thing, and I am happy to be a part of it.”[/color] she offered after a while, before her own attention was stolen by indignant meowing from below. [color=magenta]”I will come up with something exciting to add to your auction, and I don't mind making an appearance. I know quite a few activists, perhaps they will be curious as well.”[/color] Paul played with the tangerine colored tabby who while appreciating pets seemed fascinated by the movement of his hand. Paul looked up at Hyeon-Ae with a grateful smile. [color=fff200] “Please feel free to give my contact information to anyone you think might be interested. I appreciate your willingness to get involved and Zygon’s. Cassie is welcome to join in as well. I didn’t approach her because I know she left Valkyrie and there are some hard feelings there. I wasn’t sure how comfortable she would be with that. I appreciate all the help you can give me.” [/color] Paul tilted his head to one side in contemplation. [color=fff200] “Is there anything you need in return? Do you want a portion of the donation in compensation? There will of course be media about the event and Zygon or you personally can be listed as the donor.” [/color] [color=magenta]”I'm willing to ask her, Cassie that is, but I am not fully sure about what transpired. She is not too open about that time.”[/color] she proffered in turn with a mild sigh, then tapped at her chin. [color=magenta]”Anything I need… Well, Paul, I am happy to know I am helping something good in society.”[/color] Hyeon-Ae smiled, fooling no-one. She was looking a little too mischievous to cling to humility. [color=magenta]”But perhaps we do not need to be so material? Just don't hang up next time, when it is me who is pitching an idea, yes?”[/color] Paul smiled at Hyeon-Ae and it grew bigger as she talked. [color=fff200] “So does this mean we are texting buddies now? You know I would be happy to be of assistance if I can. I can’t give away team secrets or anything like that. But I have been told I clean up nice if you need an escort to a party. Or we could meet up again so you have an excuse to explore more fun options. We can always just chat and talk.” [/color] The mischievous glint in Paul’s eyes back. [color=fff200] “We could try skiing in Italy or hot cocoa by a fire.”[/color] Paul looked thoughtful for a moment and then excited.[color=fff200]”Or we could make plans for Disneyland in Paris?”[/color] Hyeon-Ae chuckled quietly, remaining modestly entertained before the other pilot. Her own mischief was not gone, however, merely hidden beneath a veneer of polite demureness. [color=magenta]”How about a standing challenge, then? The winner between us decides the next activity? Within reason, of course.”[/color] Paul was surprised by Hyeon-Ae’s suggestion. He didn’t mind the bet. He just wondered if he would end up dressed in a banana suit on some crazy Korean game show. Or asked to guest star on a Korean soap opera. He had heard that they take their stories pretty seriously. He was not sure how far he could trust Hyeon-Ae but then nothing ventured, nothing gained. Paul gave her a warm genuine smile. [color=fff200] “Okay. I assume when you say winner, you mean who places higher at a race? [/color] He paused for a moment and tilted his head to the side. [color=fff200] “I guess this means you want to see me again then?” [/color] About that time the ginger tabby playfully attacked his hand. Paul laughed as he protected his hand from the ginger menace. He plucked the tabby up and held it as he began to pet it while the cat purred. Paul continued to pet the ginger cat to keep his hand from being scratched up. He watched Hyeon-Ae for her response. [color=magenta]”Yes, although of course I intend to win the race fully as well. I am not opposed to seeing you more, no. Out of my rivals, you seem very approachable, you know?”[/color] she shot back with a mysterious and guarded smile, beset by her own thoughts no doubt. Not to mention the small assault of attentive cats. [color=magenta]”I think I read that you like cars…?”[/color] Paul gave her a guarded smile back. [color=fff200]“Yes I love classic cars. I love the speed in antigravity racing but there is something about controlling a machine on wheels. The friction, the hum of the motor, the sound of the wheels on the road. It is just different. I also inherited my father’s collection.”[/color] He shrugged and then asked her about hobbies in Korea. The two of them spent time just hanging out. They stayed to chat for the whole hour that Paul had booked at the Cat Cafe before going their separate ways. [hr] [hider= Zygon Characters] [Url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19piUFhfdWItsUOtrGhnCSnFv8nLVsaw3nJXQnCKhAMY/edit?usp=drivesdk]Zygon Characters[/url] [/hider] [hider= Team Valkyrie Characters] [Url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrLx5XUgYiVm6KjTpFTWZtJvXc0MX77enkLzINHujKw/edit?gid=0#gid=0]Team Valkyrie Characters[/url] [/hider]