[quote=@Alucroas] Are we allowed to bring characters who have destructive powers scaled down to toyverse size effects? Foe example: a missile fires from a toy hits a shelf, but the explosion is no larger than a firecracker, or a laser beam that is only strong enough to cut through paper, and leave a mild scorch mark on a steel shelf, but with prolonged application would be able to cut through the beam. Basically, my brain is operating on less of a literal toy fight, but something with toysized effects, but if everyone is truly launching fake missiles, aka, plastic rods with nothing more than kinetic force behind them, then it would obviously be unfair if I brought the former into the fight. [/quote] Yeah, this was more or less my intention. If they didn't then toys would take a long time to kill each other, and given the number of people I hope to throw into this mess, the faster things go the better for everybody. [quote=@BangoSkank] I love this idea. I have three ideas and two questions. The questions kind of inform which idea I go for. [hider=My Goofy Ass Questions] Question the 1st: What's your stance on Single Toy VS Toy Line That is to ask; could I RP as say "A bag of Green Army Men" or "The Christmas 1996 GI Joe Assault on Bad Guy Castle Playset that fell in that little area behind the aisles and is only just now sitting in the clearance rack because nostalgia." Question the 2th: What's your stance on known pre-existing franchise characters. That is to ask; could I RP as three of the Ninja Turtles from the Turtle Van box thing because some snot nosed kid kidnapped the Donatello figure. If you do not want recognizable brands would an obvious Knock Off expy be acceptable? Like instead of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) could I use Bolivian Battle Toads with Attitoads (BBTA) [/hider] [hider=My Goofy Ass Ideas] Idea 1: Basically just Ninja Turtles in whatever number is acceptable. 1, 2, 3, or 4 or maybe that one Robot Turtle character. Idea being they're all plastic with plastic weapons and can exchange limbs. Wildly durable because their limbs just pop on and off with ease. Idea 2: A box set of Warhammer 40K Imperial Troops. Number again dependent on what seems reasonable. If I get a higher number then part of the fun is getting to describe in Grim Dark terms the fate of little plastic men dying horrifically via just like getting knocked off a shelf or hit with one of those little plastic missiles that used to come in toys before a hundred kids choked on them. Idea 3: My character Dangerrutito Fontainiuxic, basically a Power Ranger toy. Sort of Buzz Lightyear but not. Searching the toy aisles for his Zord and Battle Car and $1,500 dollar deluxe collectors edition Space Ship toy that he will either never find or not be able to open the box for or it's just hanging in mid air as a display and he can't get to it. [/hider] [/quote] The last time I did this we had a Warhammer 40,000 combat patrol as one of the contestants, which in a way answers both questions at once. Just remember that conservation of ninjustu applies!