[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] ---I can't say I don't feel a little guilty about knocking over the jiangshi. I know she's not totally without any kind of wits, and she didn't resist at all. Probably because she didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late. But we need to get inside, and we don't need to deal with her trying to stop us. She's not difficult to fight on her own, but it'd still waste time. ... It's familiar in here. More than I expected the interior of the mausoleum to be. Then again, since this is Kaku Seiga's work, there was no reason to expect anything else. The spiral staircase is well-lit, at least, and there's spirits but no ghosts. I don't want there to be any ghosts. There better not be. As one gets close, I lightly place my hand on Roukanken's hilt. It veers off moments later. I guess they must be somewhat intelligent, maybe. Or maybe it's just coincidence. Despite my nature, I can't claim to know much about the inner workings of spirits like this, and I don't think they would have been directly brought over from Gensokyo to begin with. It's even more familiar below. This is definitely Kaku Seiga's work. I don't really get how this sort of thing works, but I know that the Taoist Hermits can do something like this. "Fujiwara-san is right," I say, walking over one of the stone bridges and approaching the building at the center of the space, "I think it's called a Senkai. They must be able to create these quickly, if Kaku Seiga arrived around when the rest of us did." [@Raineh Daze][@FujiwaraPhoenix] [hr] [h2]The Scarlet Devil[/h2] I grip one of the remaining skulls between my fingers. It's human, alright. That much is obvious. Of course, it could technically be from some other race where you'd only be able to tell from seeing their flesh--- But human is close enough. My slim fingers clutch its fleshless, dusty surface tightly, my eyes narrowed. "Lazy. There's no style or substance here at all." Who uses skeletons? They're just unsightly. You can't make them look better with outfits. They don't really fit anything but dusty, unpleasant old underground spaces and other similar locations. Fairy maids might not be very smart, but they suit their surroundings well. Hobgoblins are ugly, but they're naturally inclined towards housework. Skeletons are simply unpleasant. I wind up and throw the skull. It hits the wall with a crunch, fracturing and breaking apart as it meets the stone. "It's pointless to go to this dismal tunnel if we're just going to turn around and leave immediately," I comment with a sigh, glancing over my shoulder towards the others, "We're going deeper." I hate it down here, but to be honest I'd hate it even more if we went down here for no reason. Besides, I can still smell that faint blood-scent on the air. [@Drifting Pollen][@Lugubrious][@Rezod92][@FujiwaraPhoenix]