[h1]Theria[/h1] Location: Building 1: 205 -> Ground floor, Reception Interactions: [@Lugubrious], [@Massasauga], [@LupusIntus] [hr] Theria blinked, looking down at the card that Rebecca slid across the desk, then back up at her, a hint of confusion crossing her face. Isela, the curious one, followed the card as Theria grabbed it and inspected it. She knew that some monsters lived outside of the complex and would often direct other monsters to Umbra Rose, but Theria didn’t know many yet, and this one in particular, she did not recognize. Maybe an acquaintance of Arborox? [color=39b54a]"Oh… right, uh, off the grid and covert…"[/color] she said, glancing between the card and Rebecca with a polite but slightly lost expression. [color=39b54a]"We definitely have some quieter units available like corner apartments and such… Good for, um… privacy?[/color]" She offered a hopeful smile. [color=39b54a]"But I’m not sure if we have any that are specifically off the grid… I mean, the whole apartment complex is off the grid, but our apartments themselves are pretty standard when it comes to that…"[/color] Her gaze flickered to the snake peeking out from Rebecca’s jacket, and Theria smiled nervously. Pippin also appeared to have noticed the snake and was now trying to pull itself towards it before Theria gently grabbed Pippin and gave her a little scratch under the chin, trying to calm down the very affectionate snake. [color=39b54a]"Well, I’ll still be happy to help however I can! We still have some units available,"[/color] she added quickly. [color=39b54a]"And for, um, eating, there's a restaurant in every single building. Just need to go over the entrance process first."[/color] She turned around to grab the form for a new resident while Max walked in, giving her an apologetic smile. She just nodded. She knew that the whole incident during the morning had probably messed up his delivery schedule. As Max picked up the files that had just been printed and handed them to Khalid, Theria extended the form to Rebecca as well as a pen.. [color=39b54a]“If you would be so kind as to fill in this form… It’s pretty standard. Just your name, age, species and any room requirements that we may be able to provide.”[/color] She turned to Max as he glanced at her and asked if Rebecca was a new resident. [color=39b54a]“Indeed. Miss… “[/color] She looked towards Rebecca, a gentle redness forming on her cheeks. [color=39b54a]“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I forgot to introduce myself.”[/color] Theria extended her hand to greet Rebecca, Xena, the protector snake, playing close attention to the new resident. [color=39b54a]“My name is Elephtheria Lasthena. Do call me Theria. I’m the assistant manager here. May I have your name?” [/color]