[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WZyxkRP.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ykr0chB.png[/img] [/center] [right]Interactions: Elena [@Qia] [code]The Cozy Bakery[/code][/right][hr] As Loni got her order, the two sweet goods and Latte handed over to her, she had to let go of her daughter. It was just a couple of seconds as she put the well packaged cakes in her bag, handing over the cash for them with a smile... But that few seconds was enough for a toddler full of energy to run off. Luciana ran over to the corner of the shop, practically head first into Elena’s legs. She stopped, looking up at her with large brown eyes. Her tiny hand reached out and grabbed her pants, before tugging. Then her other hand pointed to the free stool next to her, waving around a bit. Her curly hair was tied back in twin buns, stray curls framing her chubby face. She bundled up with a thick, puffy jacket that just made her look [i]round[/i]. “Ahbaba- ahhh uh! Uh, uhp, ahga!” What came out of her mouth was utterly incomprehensible. She probably wanted something by the way she was waving around and tugging on Elena’s trousers, but it was difficult to tell. [color=ff7360]"Luciana!"[/color] Loni appeared in a frantic whirlwind that scooped up her daughter, coffee in its little takeaway cup going on the table. When she'd looked down to see her daughter gone she'd panicked. Thankfully she’d run over to someone rather than [i]outside[/i]. But it was enough to give her a real fright. [color=ff7360]"Don' run off like that, you gave mama a fright!"[/color] She tried her best to sound stern, but it didn’t really come across that way. Luciana just wriggled in her arms, flailing about and reaching out towards the free stool she’d been pointing at. [color=ff7360]"'M so sorry,"[/color] Loni looked at Elena with an apologetic smile. Luciana kept moving, leaning forward to try and reach the stool while babbling away. [color=ff7360]"She’s a runner- Mind if we sit? Just for a moment."[/color] Even as she asked, Loni had already put Luciana on the stool, one hand remaining on her back to support her. The little girl looked around with shining eyes, excitedly babbling. [color=ff7360]"She'll get bored inna bit."[/color] Her gaze was soft as Luciana started kicking her legs, looking up at Loni and babbling. Loni just laughed. Even if she didn’t understand a lot of what she said, because it just wasn’t understandable, she found everything her baby said cute. She was just so perfect. [color=ff7360]"I’m Loni, nice t’meetcha."[/color] Of course, just like her daughter, it wasn’t Loni’s way to just leave someone in peace. She smiled brightly at Elena, the absolute picture of friendliness. Even her unpolished appearance - hair half falling out of the ponytail she had it in, makeup slightly smudged from her daughter rubbing her hands all over her face - added to this. She looked completely open, and in the panic of chasing her daughter had forgotten she was trying to suppress her South Side accent. [color=ff7360]"Not that y’need to tell me yours, I ain’t pushy like that. Just figured since my baby girl came over ‘n was disturbin’ you- her name’s Luciana. Say hello, Lu."[/color] “Oh-la!” Luciana turned around to look at her mom, hands flying into the air. Loni gently nudged her towards Elena. The little girl’s hands waved in front of her and a bright smile lit up her cute face. [color=ff7360]"Good job, cariño,"[/color] Loni said brightly, leaning over to kiss the top of her curly head. Hugging her, Loni looked back over at Elena over the top of her head. [color=ff7360]"You come here often? I ain’t been before, but I always wanted to. I finally got the time between shifts, and I’m glad! It’s real nice. I think I'd become a regular if I could afford it- I ain't sure I can even come back, the guy behind the till gave me a reall funny look when I paid with cash. They ain't takin' that in the North now?"[/color] Like mother, like daughter it seemed. Both talked [i]a lot[/i], just one’s words were understandable. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tR921tl.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pmkMn37.png[/img] [/center] [right]Interactions: “Bill” & Elara [@NoriWasHere], Varnan [@Blizz] [code]Bill’s Tattoo Shop[/code][/right][hr] Bryn’s glare towards the outsider, and the words on her lips about city folk only coming here when shit reached them, cause they’d been dealing with this for months, were interrupted by Bill. No, not Bill. Bryn had gotten enough tattoos of her own, even if it wasn’t to the degree Elara had, to recognise him. Or recognise when it [i]wasn’t[/i] him. Too smiley. Nobody was the fucking smiley around these parts. Bryn didn’t look at Elara as it spoke about nightmares. Her hands clenched at her sides. The image was clear to her too. The elders- their parents- flesh sizzling off their bones. What little remained turning to ash at her hands. But it was in the past. Her eyes moved from the creature to Elara, eyes narrowing. Every instinct was saying to fight but if Elara hesitated because it looked like Bill- She didn’t. The bow came out. Bryn’s hand dropped down to open the bag at her hip. Unlike the other two, Bryn didn’t hold back and wait to see if it answered or attacked. It wouldn’t answer. She knew in her gut. So she took the first shot. [color=b23b07]"Fuck that."[/color] Ash flew out of her bag, packing together and solidifying to form a brick. Then the ash brick slammed right towards ‘Bill’s’ face.