[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve - Red Light District[/h3] [/center] Rayne really, really did not want to be looking at the pulp the butterfly lady had been reduced to by the pillar impacts. She might have been a monstrous murderer but the Witch Knight was still very much not one who dealt in death. There were other things to focus on fortunately, such as a clearly very sick Sanae and her goddess who had done the annihilating Rayne did not care for, who was not making the best impression by delivering a disapproving head chop and mini lecture to the kneeling shrine maiden rather than offering her support for her sorry state. Somehow Rayne did not find it in herself to be surprised that this goddess also had issues. Still, that did not mean she shouldn’t be polite (or maybe it even meant she should be even more so given this was the first to be willing and able to do some divine smiting) and so she tipped her hat in greeting upon being addressed and introduced herself as “Rayne, Knight Witch” and then adding that “Sanae’s been no trouble at all?” with her tone indicating that she wasn’t sure what kind of trouble the goddess expected her maiden to have been getting up too. As she did this, she approached, landing beside Sanae and crouching down to offer: “do you need a hand? Or a shoulder?” because she very much did not seem to be in a state to be walking or flying around unsupported, and the ever helpful Knight Witch was more than willing to lend that support. Frankly, she felt inclined to insist.