[CENTER][h1]Ioan M. Foster [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMz5DE2T0kg[/youtube] [/h1][/CENTER] [u][b]The Hollow Tap[/b][/u] 1530 hours The presence of a blue maserati on the streets of south side was a rare sight south side, the sort of flare that only a handful of individuals this side of the river dared to show in public. If its mere presence outside the Hollow Tap Coven didn't attract attention to the few people lingering around the street corners, the revving of its engine - loud enough to wake the dead - before it peeled away from the curb certainly had. Whatever anyone thought of the obnoxious sound, or the somewhat diminutive man with dark and steel grey eyes in the tailored suit and polished shoes that was left standing there, no one said anything. People around The Hollow Tap knew better than to ask questions or open their mouths, and it was the one place an over-dressed man might reasonably expect to be left alone in all of South Side. Putting a hand on the door to the Hollow Tap he pushed it open and stepped inside. Within he lingered at the threshold as though waiting while his blue eyes adjusted to the lighting while he surveyed the tables, the patrons, and the bar itself. Whatever thoughts passed through his mind a nostalgic smiled tugged at his lips and he nodded to himself before approaching the bar. Curious glances from some of the pub regulars seemed to confirm this wasn't one of the familiar faces they were used to seeing walk-in, nor did the man show any recognition to any of the faces present - some of whom might have been familiar from another time, and another life long, long ago. The man made eye contact with the bartender and smiled a broad friendly smile as he approached. "I'm here to see Gideon." He said this as though it were an ordinary thing to say here. Nor was it framed as a question. "Let him know Ioan's here, and likes what he's done with the place." Despite not being a familiar face, the man leaned patiently against the bar affecting a sort of seemingly genuine relaxed calm that some common visitors here never truly mastered.