[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjQ4LmExZTFmZC5VMmxzYW1VZ1FtbHlaMmx6Wk1PemRIUnBjZy4w/overcoming-challenges-demo.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] The princess didn't seem very happy, Silje noted, as her and the WARDEN crew climbed back into the truck to continue towards civilization. The engine gave a familiar rumble as Kalina hit the gas, presumably swerving around the largest shark bits on the road, and running over the rest. They were on their way, away from a yet another messy scene. Finding a spot atop one of the crates, Silje started throwing expectant glances at the princess and her friends, waiting for someone to start a conversation and break the tension. No one did — not with the dejected princess, at least. Much to her dismay, Silje quickly realized it'd be up to her to cheer Collette up. Which meant she'd finally need to muster the courage to actually talk to her — about stuff [i]other [/i]than her weird mist leakage, anyway. But what did you talk about with a princess? Thinking too hard about it made Silje sleepy, so she ended up sliding off her perch, opening the crate in question to slip inside, closing the lid, and taking a nap instead. [center][color=a1e1fd]—[/color][/center] The next day, Silje was well-rested. So much so, that she'd finally scooted over to the princess and struck up a conversation, about... well. It might've been easier to list the topics she didn't try to talk about, switching from one subject to the next so fast that by the time they reached Dunbarton, they'd covered pretty much everything from best breakfast foods to war crimes and why they were sometimes called for. [color=cyan]"We'll be out of your hair soon enough, princess,"[/color] Gerard threatened, and Silje gasped. [i]No! [/i]She wanted to be in her hair longer! She still wasn't a knight, or a prince, or any other cool title a princess could bestow upon you, for starters. From the sounds of it, they were to hand over papers to the guards, which Kalina and Justice seemed to be handling just fine, so Silje whirled back around to the princess instead. She grinned. [color=a1e1fd]"I call this place Dumbarton,"[/color] Silje stated, a little too proud, a little too loud.[/color]