[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lICooHc.png[/img][/center] [hr] Location: Courtyard || Interactions: None [hr] [indent] [Color=cfe4ef]”It was a pleasure to speak with you, Eilidh. I hope that you enjoy your breakfast,”[/color] he meant every word of what he said, giving her a light smile as all twenty of his fingertips pressed together. His eyes never strayed from her from under the blindfold, the mothman watching as she made her way towards building 1, before stopping to speak with a figure on a bench. Alphonse was too far away to make out their conversation, and even if he could, he was far too interested in this new resident to pay any sort of attention. Slowly, his arms wrapped around his back, hands clasping together as he just watched the scene unfold. A bow? The non-horse woman was formal, it seemed, and more than likely not from the surrounding area. When she straightened, he could see the ears atop her head, and her many black tails. [Color=cfe4ef]“Fascinating,”[/color] he breathed out the word to himself, his antennae twitching as the wind blew towards him. Something smelled delicious. Finally pulling his eyes away from the two women, Alphonse let out a drained sigh. How long had he been outside for, now? The sun was starting to rise higher in the sky, the dim morning light beginning to become overwhelming, even with the blindfold for protection. It would do him good for more conversation, though, but…Almost glancing upwards to try to tell exactly how high the sun had moved, he stopped himself, lest he lose his eyesight completely. It was then he made his decision. Alphonse could feel his bed calling to him, the weight of his body suddenly feeling heavy as he remembered it. Not far from the door to his building, it didn’t take Alphonse long to ascend the many stairs to the fifth floor, his door opening without any need for a key. Stepping inside, the only thing that was removed from him were his shoes and blindfold, before he gently sunk himself into the plush royal purple and black bed that was pressed into a corner. The blackout curtains keeping the sun at bay made the room pitch black, no candles lit to keep the darkness at bay. As he sunk into sleep, he replayed the morning's events in his head, glad that he had been able to converse at least a little bit with Eilidh, and vowed that the next time he had seen that black eared woman again, he would at least ask her her name. [/indent]