Suddenly the weight of the bear gave as the life seemed to slowly recede from it's form. Snarnorgul back was no longer supported by the creatures head, causing them to both fall backward. The earth shaking in a resounding crash as the great mass of two titans hit the ground beneath them. Snarnorgul had managed to shift it's wight roughly to his right at the last moment. He laid there for some time, the pain at his midsection hinted h would not be moving anytime soon. A piece of bone had managed to jute through his scales, midnight black blood still bleeding from a row of wounds. Snarnorgul growled in frustration but he rested in knowing he had at least completed it's given task. The Tanar'ri had survived worst, but the damage to his pride was more significant. The bear had fought well, managing to deal nearly crippling. In the end however it's many wounds had proven to much for it. Leaving the Tanar'ri partly under the great mass of his fallen foe. He was slightly begrudged however, he would have rather to have killed it slowly to allow it to suffer. But was done was done, there was nothing left now but to wait.