[center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (68/120) Location: Avenger > Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Unlike many of the others, Sectonia didn't head to the armory. Instead she made sure she was proper before she went to the landing pad. Being easily the biggest member of the group here, Sectonia wasn't able to fit into the normal drop ship everyone else was in. Not for a lack of her not wanting to fit, which granted, she wasn't really interested in being in such a tight spot with so many people, but she just couldn't physically fit. So unlike everyone else, she had to land on the ground from a different drop pod, the hellpod that was all for herself. Even so, it was a pretty snug fit. Clearly stuff on the avenger wasn't really made for someone her size in most regards. Still, she had a way to get down to the others. Although unlike many of the others, she couldn't wear one of the shield pads that'd protect them from the aging rain. She did have her own shield however, so she could apply that to herself just in case, although it'd mean she couldn't project her chaos shield on anyone else if they were in trouble in that case. Once she was with everyone on the ground, she spent her time as one of the close guards to the emitter. More so because it gave her more space to move around, and because flying was a bit more difficult with this thing around making her pretty slow in the air. Out of everyone, she was one of the ones most affected by this generator, although unknown to her the powers of the guardians he absorbed wouldn't be hampered by this emitters field. Plus, at least being in the center of everyone, her beneficial auras, of what little she had, could affect everyone so there was that. [hr] [center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (74/130) Location: Avenger > Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Blazermate skipped breakfast, not needing to eat, and instead spent some time perusing the armory. She didn't have much she could give herself, as she often didn't carry things. But as she looked through her bags, she found two items that she could put in there. A single pokeball she hadn't used, and a taser thing called the Short Circuit. Although for the latter, she had already expended its ammo so she wasn't sure how useful that'd be. She looked around at everything else, and while the shield was cool, it was pretty quick she couldn't use anything here. With a sigh, she left. Once she was done, she left the armory as her friends who were interested in their own kind of weapons in there and waited patiently at the drop ship with those who didn't take a dip in the armory. She was ready for whatever was to come, although she wasn't too happy about having to go back to the Dead Zone. That being said, perhaps the guardian wouldn't be a super bulky thing and be something super cool? She did get her shield form there after all. In an attempt to save space for the drop ship, there being way more people than should realistically fit inside it, Blazermate elected to sit on someone's lap to save seating space. Roland being one of the skinnier members, made the most sense and he seemed to be ok with it. At first Blazermate wondered if he was one of those Medabot super fans, the scary ones, but it was clear he wasn't comfortable with the situation. Well, that was good at least, although a bit disappointing. Still, Blazermate tried to not move too much to make things better until they landed. Once they landed, Blazermate found that some of her things worked fine, but anything gained from spirits wasn't feeling so well. Still, she could still heal and that was the important part! Although she'd have to walk to as her jets made too much noise, but soon she'd realize even her footsteps were really loud with her metal clanking. Well, relatively loud she concluded, but not as loud as say, Bowsers would've been. Seeing this, she decided to try to catch a ride with one of the larger members of the group like she tried for Bowser. Sectonia had the size, but she didn't look like the riding type. Goldweis was also big, but would he be ok carrying her on his back? [color=0072bc]"Since this is gotta be stealth, any of you guys wanna carry me around so my footsteps don't echo everywhere?"[/color] [hr] [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (37/60) Location: Avenger > Dead Zone Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Much like he suggested, Roland paid a visit to the Armory. Looking through all the stuff that had been gathered recently, he was a bit surprised at just how weird some of the weapons here were. At least most of them seemed to have some kind of description on what they did. Although he could use most of these, he decided to just take one for now that seemed useful. If they had to fight any flesh abominations like that one book, this ice javilin would be really useful against it. [hider=for Roland] [url=https://i.imgur.com/p1jDzdj.png]frigid javelin[/url]: An ice forged throwing spear that, after striking, melts and reforms in its thrower’s hand. On hit it will ignite the struck foe with freezing flames that block passive hp regen (but not active regen like potions or spells) and deal 1 more javelin hits’ worth of damage over 2 seconds. [/hider] With his item gathered, he gave everyone else in the armory an affirmative nod before heading off to get geared. Being one of the BB holders, he'd have to stay alert for these 'BTs' that they were all talking about. hopefully they wouldn't be too much of a problem. Although he did offer to carry one, the fact that they were going into an area with time rain that aged things super fast still didn't sit well with him. Hopefully that generator and the personal shields didn't run into problems and worked.... In an attempt to try to squeeze more people in, Blazermate ended up sitting in Rolands lap. For a robot she was surprisingly light, although having solid metal sit on you still wasn't all that comfortable. The robot seemed to be trying not to make it awkward, and thankfully the ride was pretty short with only the largest members left behind needing their own drop pods. Once everyone landed and debarked, Roland didn't really feel the same penalty that the likes of Grimm and Nadia were feeling from the dampening field that kept them all safe from the dangerous time rain around them, the effects Roland could see firsthand outside of the bubble much to his horror. [color=d7d7d7]"Alright, try to stay quiet, I'll inform everyone if my 'device' here detects anything."[/color] Roland said, affirming he'd be a team player in this.