[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Nieve — Red Light District[/h3][/center] Upon hearing Rayne's response, Kanako crossed her arms and gave a slight nod in reply. There were a few things that the goddess could have attempted to pry into, but it seemed quite evident that this was neither the time nor the place to do so. "Well, she [i]does[/i] have a habit of getting a bit overzealous at the best of times, so if she's showing a bit more prudence with her actions then all the better," the goddess responded in turn as the halfling moved to try and help Sanae up. Sanae herself had obviously not recovered since her initial loss of strength, and the half-hearted attempts at trying to even push herself back to her feet made it quite obvious that getting back to the inn they had planned to regroup at wasn't going to be in the cards on her own. This, of course, made Rayne's offer of help greatly appreciated. "Ah, well... I certainly don't think I'll be walking any time soon, so some assistance would certainly help," the green-haired girl replied as she steadily dragged herself back to her feet. There was a sheepish smile on her face as she addressed her companion at first before her attention, inevitably enough, returned towards Kanako. The goddess' attention mirrored her own in turn, and the two faced each other with somewhat mixed emotions about the whole affair. "I assume you're starting to run a bit low on faith after this miracle, aren't you?" the goddess spoke first as her eyes scanned over the shrine maiden's disheveled form. "You should try and set up a branch shrine here, at the very least. Even something small should suffice in getting enough to contact us, and given the current state of things here..." "This was a bit more terrifying than the enemies we've seen in this world so far, Kanako-sama, but I understand. I'll get to that as soon as I get the chance," Sanae responded with a light nod. "Mm. Unfortunately, I used a fair bit of what you provided for the summoning to make sure that the problem here was handled swiftly, so I can't provide you with any particularly helpful abilities like Suwako did. For now, make sure you go rest somewhere safe... And don't get yourself involved in incidents like this unprepared again." With that, though, the telltale signs of the divinity's disappearance began to show themselves, and with that came the goddess' final words; these, of course, were pointed straight towards the hermit who had chosen to stay out of the situation as their conversation finished. "As for you... You have a penchant for scheming, so let us hope—for both our sakes—that your decisions won't lead to any regrets further into the future." With that, the goddess disappeared, leaving the three girls behind with the onbashira that had since left their scars upon the battlefield even now. [@DracoLunaris][@VitaVitaAR] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Odd Cemetery[/h3][/center] Hearing Mokou's and Youmu's brief explanations caused the two others with them to fall into though, and the pair briefly paused as they considered the implications of what was just stated. Carol, of course, was the first to speak. "A pocket dimension, then? I didn't think it was possible to warp space in such a way... And I can't say I'm not intrigued," she began to say as the group finally reached the end of the stairwell leading to the floor. "Your world doesn't really dabble with technology, I assume, so creating and maintaining something like this... You don't suppose it might be possible to replicate if the principles behind it were made clear, perhaps?" "It's not [i]quite[/i] like a Domain, but I think that there are some fundamental similarities in my eyes as well," Suguru spoke on his own as he knelt down near one of the island-like structures and slowly dipped his hand into the water. "Something more like a barrier enclosing a space, maybe?" As the group continued to walk through the underground garden, though, the distinct lack of [i]any[/i] anti-intruder system would feel a bit disconcerting. That feeling would only grow as they finally reached the house whose owner was quite evidently missing at the moment. "I don't suppose you plan on entering?" Carol asked with a slight frown. "Technically, we've already broken in, but the lack of any defenses leaves me at least somewhat concerned..." [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Magic Shop[/h3][/center] Once the brief clash with the armored undead had subsided, the fae child seemed to regard Anne with the faintest of nods. A brief glance towards the remnants of the battle, however, would do little more than cause her attention to linger on them for a brief moment before a return to passivity. Compared to her practically nonexistent responses to the world around her up until this point, whether or not this was an improvement remained to be seen. Regardless of her thoughts, though, the group's intention to push forward into the cavern was made quite clear, and one by one the travelers began to move forward. For what little it was worth, the mouth through which they passed through was uncannily wide to begin with. That width did not seem to diminish my any means as the group continued to push forward, which might have been a concern all it's own. Examination of the cave walls—if anyone thought to try and do so in the hollow darkness—would at least reveal that the wall had not been chiseled through so much as it had been [i]carved[/i] and hollowed out by something, though. As to whether or not that had any influence on the matter was a different question entirely. The stifled atmosphere of the path leading forward coupled with naught but the sounds of the group's own footsteps for the next few minutes. Supposing the group had found some means by which to light the way forward, however, it would be at this point that they would encounter a pair of uncannily large humanoid beasts blocking the way forward. Their size easily seemed to double Anne's, and the massive halberds that they held in their grasp seemed no less imposing. Coupled with the bovine face masks and the cloven, hooved feet that might have been visible between the armor that they wore, however, and it would be clear that they were [i]some[/i] sort of minotaur-esque creature. The fact that no breathing could be heard from them as they wordlessly turned to the group before striking out, however, probably did not bode well in general. As the probably-undead minotaurs began their assault, though, an uncanny chill would run down the necks of those closer to the rear. A brief glance behind them would reveal nothing more than what might have been a red gleam, visible for a fraction of a second before disappearing. Would that have been all, though. A blob of malformed, tar-black magical energy seemed to come out of the darkness past where the group would have been able to see much of anything and barreled straight towards Anne and the child she was carrying. Needless to say, the fae child's immediate response to seeing such a sight was to tense up and grip onto Anne as tight as she could, and with an expression of wordless fright that barely belied what might have been running through her head in the moment. [@VitaVitaAR][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92][@Lugubrious]