[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/de039f859a0f7ed86c79f6d4265d3386.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 969 [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 45/90 [b]Level 4 Captain Falcon:[/b] 20/40 [b]Level 7 Ganondorf:[/b] 12/70 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] Roxas = 42/90, Captain Falcon = 22/40, Ganondorf = 14/70 [h3]The Avenger -> The Dead Zone[/h3][/center] For Roxas, the battle prep was pretty much nonexistent. He wasn’t carrying any excess items, and his weapons were either built into his wardrobe or in the Keyblades’ case, summonable. But he paid a quick visit to the Armory out of curiosity. It certainly had an eclectic collection of things, not all of which were weapons or armor as the name of the facility suggested. But he did spy the Mana Potions and decided to take five of them, leaving the rest behind in case someone else needed them. Roxas had been getting himself into an increasing number of situations where he found himself out of MP and unable to do much while waiting for it to recharge, so he hoped these potions would help him better mitigate that problem a bit. [center][hider=For Roxas, From The Armory] Mana Potions x5 [/hider][/center] Actually, he was also tempted to leave his Pokemon behind for this mission as well. The Dead Zone was a far more dangerous place than any he’d been to so far and he wasn’t sure he liked the idea of risking Scamp and the others falling prey to the timefall or something else. But in the end he decided to keep them with him, resolving not to call them out of their Poke Balls unless he absolutely needed to or it was safe. Captain Falcon, meanwhile, had similarly decided to skip out on visiting the Armory. Weapons and armor just weren’t his thing, and he was confident his fists could still get the job done regardless of the Stable Field Emitter - which he planned to volunteer to help guard. So instead Falcon had spent most of his prep-time doing warm up moves in the training center. He wanted to start getting a better feel for the martial arts moves he was learning from Robert Garcia’s spirit, especially now that he knew some of those moves weren’t going to be as strong as they normally were. So he figured some extra practice and mastery of them would help him make up the difference. [center][hider=Captain Falcon Level Up] [b]More Moves:[/b] Falcon gains the moves Ryuuga and Ryuuko Ranbu. The Ryuuga is a normal Special Move that launches Falcon into a high uppercut that launches the opponent upward if it connects. The Ryuuko Ranbu is a Super Special Move that costs 1 Power Gauge stock. When used, Falcon's body flashes blue for a split second before he dashes at the opponent in a full stride, if he connects he will then launch into a high-speed flurry of punches and kicks that ends with him launching the opponent upward with a Ryuuga. [/hider][/center] That left Ganondorf, who did in fact pay a short visit to The Armory. His initial purpose there was to ensure that the bottled spirits he’d sent up over the past week had been stored as instructed. Once he confirmed that this was the case, he decided to also give the rest of the Armory a quick perusal on the off-chance there was something he could make use of. The headband with the horns attached to it seemed like it could be amusing, but the warlord had no interest in wearing such a silly thing. Maybe at a later time he might consider fusing the item with himself but for now, he chose to leave it. There was also the matter of the Spirit he obtained from defeating the Bandit King, Twinblade. Ganondorf had mulled it over in his head what he wanted to do with it and eventually settled on itemizing it. Which he did by crushing it. [center][hider=For Ganondorf] [b]Litania[/b] A greatsword blessed by the power of prayer, with respectable stopping power. Wielding it prevents status ailments/afflictions like Dizzy and Daze that affect one's aim, effect rate, and/or hit chance. [/hider][/center] Getting a greatsword came as no shock to him. When the sword itself appeared to possess a degree of holiness to it, however, that did surprise him. A bit odd a weapon like this to be the product of a bandit’s spirit, but he wasn’t going to question it. He decided to store one of his Gerudo blades and carry the new weapon in its place. A bit asymmetrical, but nothing he couldn’t handle easily enough. The ride on the Pelican was certainly… something. To say it felt cramped would be an understatement. Roxas found himself squeezed in-between Pit and Jr. Meanwhile, Falcon had volunteered to remain standing for the duration of the ride in order to help save on sitting room. And Ganondorf…? Well, he was seated rather uncomfortably in a spot that was beside the wall in order to prevent him having to be squeezed against too many other people. Not the most fun ride in the world. Once everyone was on the ground, Cap was quick to volunteer himself for guard duty for the Emitter. And surprisingly, so was Ganondorf. [color=1f66b2]”Wait, [i]you’re[/i] volunteering for guard duty?”[/color] Falcon asked him teasingly, [color=1f66b2]”And here I thought something like that was beneath you, Ganondorf.”[/color] Ganondorf wasn’t nearly as amused. [color=797979]”If I can’t conquer this cursed place by force, then there is no reason for me to charge ahead in the front. It’s as simple as that.”[/color] The Captain merely shrugged in response. As for Roxas, he was among those closer to the front of the group. He wasn’t carrying a BB or one of the personal shields, he wanted to be near those in the most direct danger in case maybe he could help them with a Curaga spell or some other form of healing should it be needed. Plus, even under the effects of the Emitter, his Flow Motion still gave him an edge at keeping his footing compared to most of the others.