[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/561ce852-6d48-4386-8869-7347755e7e19.png[/img][/center] [hr] Morden hadn't said much during the trip to Dunbarton. It was one of the great cities of Rassvet' history, that the country they knew today had built itself upon and he knew this because he made a point of knowing the nation well- It was difficult to understand a universe if you only understood one planet. His dream was to one day [i]the [/i] best WARDENs the world had ever seen, and he had to know things like the back of his hand for that. Dunbarton wasn't anything special [i]now,[/i] but it was a place where the old world knew it could trade, and that meant it could be a place of trade in the future after the war was won. Morden wasn't openly carrying his shotgun, and his ammunition was stored away as well, so he didn't get any fuss from the checkpoint's guards. There wasn't much to say either, and as long as the princess kept her head down... [color=a90000]"It was the easiest way to travel in a group,"[/color] The titanic WARDEN said from the back seat. Another, lower-ranking guard had walked over and looked [i]very[/i] on edge when Morden spoke. He was like a dinosaur that one only saw when its eyes opened, a warship that crept up on the horizon. And the poor lad didn't like his energy. [color=yellow]"How'd you get those scars?"[/color] The little shit pried. [color=a90000]"Fist fights."[/color] [color=yellow]"With who?"[/color] [color=a90000]"Eight foot tall metal men with giant swords, who fell from the sky and tried to kill me. I won."[/color] The private chuckled. [color=yellow]"Riiight. Let me guess, you know the princess of Vangar too,"[/color] He joked. Morden turned away from the window and gave the others a blank, deadpan stare. And then he rolled up his window.