[center][h2][color=6175CC][b]⤛ Varlam ⤜[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr][color=lightgray][i]Early Morning.[/i] Location: Courtyards Interactions: None directly [/color][color=gray]/ Alphonse, Eilidh, and Miyuki mentioned[/color][hr] A shadow passed over the condominium grounds, broad and swift. No sound accompanied it, at least until the being that cast it alighted on the roof of the area's middle building. Large hooked talons scrapped against the building's concrete lip, followed shortly by a drawn out yawn. It wasn't that often that Varlam left the condo's magic bubble, but sometimes the feeling of being too cooped up grew and grew until he needed to stretch his wings and just [i]fly.[/i] Get away from everyone and everything for a bit and feel the wind caress his face and weave through his feathers. At times like that he left in middle of the night and only returned hours later, when the sun starting rising again. A precaution against being spotted by any humans, a situation which he definitely didn't want a repeat of. Regardless, he was back home now. Tired, but always unable to go right to sleep after getting back from a long flight. Luckily, there were people out and about even during that early hour. Being around so many people all of the time contributed to the build up of that stifling feel, but it was also part of the reason living in the city was so fun. Watching the other monsters was a... pastime of sorts for Varlam, so when he heard the sounds of conversation from below he turned so that he could easily peer down at the open space between buildings, perched and leaning over like a dark gargoyle. He took notice of three people initially. The first was the mothman, which was unusual. He didn't recall ever seeing that one while the sun was out before. Then again, after the first time meeting him led to a scolding by the property's manager due Varlam trying to touch the man's mesmerizing wings (claws should not be used in situations like that he was told), the sirin hadn't seen much of him at all. Beside said mothman was the centaur woman, whom Varlam did often see making laps around the area. They even chatted sometimes - Eilidh was very open and sociable, and from what she'd said of her early life it was similar to Varlam's own up until recently. The third person was... wait, who was that? Varlam cocked his head to one side, bright yellow eyes staring at the fox woman seated on a bench. Was this a new resident, or had he just not run into this person before? He normally made it a point to know who all was living in the complex, more out of curiosity than anything else, so the fact that hers was seemingly a new face intrigued him. He continued blatantly spying on the three of them, watching Alphonse head indoors and Eilidh go speak to the fox-person. Varlam was nearly as still as a statue up there on the roof, only the soft breeze ruffling his feathers while he soaked in the morning sun. He hardly even blinked.