Hi all. Sorry I posted this CS in the wrong spot originally. I'm not sure if you're still taking on characters, but here's a character sheet none the less. Let me know if you think it'll fit into the story. It's been a while since I've written on here and this seems like it might be a good casual RP to join. [hider=Taxian Furthlowe] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/bf449f40-ae9b-4e85-8a4e-523a8c27d21e.jpg[/img] Name: Taxian Furthlowe| Age: Mid Thirties| Gender: Male | Race: Human Main Role: Blacksmith Skills: Armor smithing, Weapon smithing Secondary Skills: Alchemy, Veteran fighter Reason for joining: Seeking materials create more unique weapons and preposterous gear to provide for his clients. Background: Taxian would be considered by many, a bit of a mad scientist, yet some would regard him as a pioneer, ever pushing the boundaries of known smithing techniques. Self taught from a very young age he began his delve into crafting all sorts of weapons and armor, basically throwing them together with whatever materials he could find. Once he was considered old enough to work a forge, he further developed his skill-sets. It took him many years and a few missing fingers to actually gain an understanding of how bits and pieces of creatures and objects could be used to forge weapons and armor. Due to an experiment gone wrong, the blacksmith is missing the index and middle finger of one of his hands, but has since forged prosthetic fingers which function just like the original digits. Taxian has spent significant time with mercenary groups over the years and thus honed his fighting skills as well as his ability to implement strategies to minimize the risk of him being killed on the field, as he prefers to gather up his own materials, for the unorthodox methods he implements into his crafts. Personality: Perhaps a little too carefree for his chosen professions, he is charismatic and despite his gargantuan size he still considers himself approachable. Equipment: It varies based on the circumstances. [/hider]