[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PGcdOmg.jpeg[/img] [h2]Iris Madril[/h2][/center] [hr] Location: Building 1, Courtyard Interactions: [@Xaltwind], [@Silver Carrot], [@Yankee] [hr] What does Werewolves dream about? One might say they must dream about hunting prey and simply being free to run and one may be correct at most times, at least as long as the wolf was aware. However, the transition from wolf to human usually enlisted a change of mentality and whenever Iris found herself changing back to human, there was usually dark emotions and feelings that came with that transition. With the scent and taste of blood and fresh meat still lingering in their senses, the Wolf’s dream was a very detailed and vivid dream of the hunt but as Iris took control once more, there was a dramatic and dark shift in the atmosphere. Gone was the thrill of the hint and joy of the fresh kill. Now a young Iris was on her knees, kneeling next to a friend who was bloody and unmoving on the ground. That night had been like any other. Meet up in the park, enjoy some shots of liquor and each other's company. The moon was big and bright in the sky so they didn't even need to bring flashlights. They had barely cracked open the bottle when they heard howls. They figured it was some other group of teens goofing around so they just decided to ignore it and continue their nightly routine, that was until the howls grew closer. Iris took a moment to look around. They were in the middle of the city. Wolves aren't in the city but she didn't want those kids causing them any trouble. She slowly slid off the picnic table and peered over at her friend who just watched her. [color=#925419]“We need to go,”[/color] she said as she looked about for any sign of the other people. She saw nothing but did notice that the area had grown deathly quiet. The nocturnal birds had gone silent. Even the insects had stopped chirping. [color=#925419]“I don't like this.”[/color] She said as she reached out to grab her friend and pull her off the tabletop. [color=#925419]“We need to go.”[/color] Her friend swatted her hand away with a groan. “You're being a little chicken shit! We do this every night. Who's going to catch us? Our parents? They don't care. Come on Iris. Just chill. You're killing my vibe.” Iris would have rebutted such a claim on her courage but her eyes were locked on a movement off in the bush behind her friend. She wasn't sure what she saw but there was definitely something large back there. Her friend turned to peer behind her, “What? Is there something there?” The wolf jumped out then, launching itself with insane speeds at the girl on the table. Iris only had time to scream before the wolf, with her friend's head in its jaws, slammed into her and knocked her harshly to the ground. The wolf tumbled over the bench of the picnic table and fumbled as it rolled along on the ground for a few feet from the momentum of its attack. Iris slowly scrambled to her knees and peered down at her friend. The girl's head was twisted in an odd way and her eyes gazed out in the distance in a death stare. Iris screamed and tried to get to her feet to run but the wolf was upon her before she had a chance to even get up. Iris's eyes snapped open and she sat up with a start, grasping at her sweatpants for the bite marks the wolf would have left behind. Her heart was racing and there was a cold sweat beading along her brow. When she found no wounds or blood from the attack, her mind slowly began to catch up to reality. She peered around to find herself in the courtyard. The wolf must have gone to sleep out there instead of just retreating to her bedroom. She recognized the fox from the hall earlier and her neighbor, Eilidh. She didn't think she was asleep for very long. The sun was still high in the sky and she was still incredibly exhausted. She groaned lightly as she rubbed at her face, her hands getting caught on the loose collar of the sweatpants as they came down. She gazed down at her outfit, pulling on it lightly to adjust it so it sat correctly on her body. The wolf really stretched this thing out. She noticed some spots of blood splatter and she frowned deeply at it. She really hoped she didn't hurt the vampire too much. She should have done better at controlling the wolf, she chastised herself. She knew better. She should have done better. Iris stood, having to grab the sweatpants and hold them up so they wouldn't fall down to her ankles. She got to work pulling the strings and tightening the pants so she wouldn't have to hold them up all the way to her bedroom. When she felt that was done to her satisfaction, she peered at the front door. Eilidh and that fox lady were at a bench directly in front of the door. If Iris wanted to go inside, she would have to strut her sorry excuse of a self past those two to get inside. She was just going to push past them and hope they don't interact with her. She was just so exhausted. She wasn't sure she could be cordial. So with her mind made up, she tried to hurry past the two without rushing too much. If she could get by without drawing attention to herself and get inside, all the better. Controlled and steady wins the race, or something like that.