Still trying to find an rp to join but while searching I’ve been reading other people’s characters and it’s been fun so I’d love to read about more from y’all. And to make it a fair exchange I’ll start first! If you can’t decided on a favorite, you can go with your most interesting or oldest, since it’s hard for me to choose too. Melina Barlos is my second oldest character that I made when I was 11 for a server rp I never joined, originally just some stuck up kid who was an Angel and really edgy to a soldier with a tragic past just fighting to die. Melina, or Mynt as her father liked to call her, grew up in a small sea side town with her parents and older sister. Her mother the daughter of a farmer, her father a baker, and her sister a soldier for this special group of individuals who can take out these creatures within their world. Despite her sister always being absent due to fighting on the front lines Mynt still had her parents to take care of her and the plants in the garden to keep her company. Everything was peaceful…till they weren’t. The attack- no…the massacre didn’t leave many behind within its wake and the ones that were left were forever scarred by the event. Mynt was only a child. The years of guilt around the loss of her parents ate away at her and the isolation of not being able to see her sister due to how busy she constantly was with protecting them drove Mynt to a dark place for a long time. She ended up becoming a shut in and taking up some bad habits, only really taking solace in the few hobbies she still enjoyed. But right when she settled into her gloom, of course things had to change for the worst;she gets a call. Her sister is gone. With not much else to do she decided to join the army, pick up the work her sister left and due her proud, right? At least that what Mynt is telling herself she want, deep down though? She knows this is just her way of begging for death. So when she dies, she’ll at least could’ve said she did something for the world and maybe that’ll be good enough for whatever sick bastard that’s watching this all play out to let her see her family again. But it’s already been a few years since then and she’s still waiting and maybe…maybe she’ll be opening that bakery she always wanted to…wouldn’t that be nice? Longer than I wanted that to be, I tried keeping it as concise as I could Hope you like her and I can’t wait to see what y’all have too :)) (Sorry for any typos, it’s 2am;-;)