[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] Fleuri listened closely to Arken's explanation of fae realms. It was becoming very clear that the problem afflicting Brennan was not something that would be solvable by force of arms. If the Moonlit Queen was residing within a fae realm, it could prove difficult to get into contact with her unless they entered the realm. Doing so, however, would be extremely perilous, placing them entirely at her mercy. [color=A0A0A0]"If we are to negotiate with this fae, I would suggest we try to get her to come out of her realm and meet us on more neutral ground,"[/color] Fleuri spoke to Fanilly. [color=A0A0A0]"Within her realm, she would be negotiating from a very, [i]very[/i] advantageous position, even if we were to do as Fiadh and Renar are suggesting and find someone who could approach her as an equal or rival."[/color] Fortunately, they had someone in their midst who was evidently familiar with both the etiquette of addressing a fae "queen" properly, and with the navigation of a fae realm. [@VitaVitaAR]