[hr][color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color][color=gold][center][h2][i][b]A Couch in the Sky[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [quote]"Well, it sounds like a dream for an ex-rally driver such as yourself. It seems like Carrera in particular will enjoy this circuit- with the upgrades brought to the ship, it seems like the team seems to be more well oiled this year than in previous years. What do you think has been the main factor?"[/quote] [color=#1EFF24]”Yes, this place really has everything. We’ll see how the moon measures up for the views, but so far it’s not looking great for Lady Luna.”[/color] Bea nodded, gesturing to the mountains around them. [color=#1EFF24]”That’s a question better asked of León than me honestly, he’ll have the numbers as well as a better reference of the previous years. I could say Pridwen money and tech or that we now have two drivers with different mindsets and thus two approaches to problems,“[/color] As opposed to the 2093 Carrera Condor lineup of ‘Ava’ and ‘Budget Ava’, [color=#1EFF24]”But I don’t want to sound like I’m tooting my own horn. I think it’s largely incremental improvement, trimming the fat and building on what works over the years. That, and Alex has practically been living in the sim hall to get all the upgrades dialled in before we even put our hands on them. Watch out for the future, slow and steady we’re coming for that crown.”[/color] She smiled confidently. [hr] Bea nearly dropped her shades from laughter when Paul revealed his scorecards, having been too wrapped up with the last-minute prepwork of the first interview to notice them. [color=#1EFF24]”Finally, some half-decent points!”[/color] Bea stifled a laugh when Paul spoke glowingly about Italian fans, being the partial instigator of her own not as positive experience with them. As the saying went: ‘Talk shit, get hit.’ At least figuratively speaking. [hr][center][h2]Saturday April 17th, 2094, 14:32 Marmolada, Italy[/h2][h3]Qualifying[/h3][/center][color=#129914]”Provisional pole. Good drive.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”It’s not telling us much, is it?”[/color] Bea lamented, [color=#1EFF24]”I get it for the fans, but I really wish we ran this top to bottom instead.”[/color] [color=#129914]”It keeps the masses on the edge of their seats and we can make educated guesses. Subjective feeling?”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Very good. Sectors one and three are mostly free time for us. Tweety Birds might kick our arse though.”[/color] And she would continue to sit on provisional pole until Jamie’s masterpiece, one she laughed a lot harder at than she would’ve liked once the Canuck climbed out of the wreck, after which the top five of the season handily beat her. Ava’s position was a disappointment all things considered, but points were scored on Sunday. [hr] [color=#1EFF24]”This corner is your problem. I think.”[/color] Bea appeared out of nowhere, setting down a tablet on the table and pointing out the 90 degree right-hander coming onto the dam in sector three. Ava flinched a little at the unexpected bubbly Briton, too deep in thought over her telemetry to notice Bea’s approach. [color=#7AFFAD]”Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you mean this one that you lost time on me at?”[/color] Ava asked. [color=#1EFF24]”Because I sacrificed it in favour of the next one. Look ahead. It took you until this slot right to stop falling behind again and you’ve not made up any time until the end of the lap.”[/color] Bea pointed some six corners ahead. [color=#7AFFAD]”Go on.”[/color] Ava nodded, still not getting anywhere with it herself and it would explain how Bea could shoot out of the following corner that much faster. [color=#1EFF24]”Brake early to get onto the dam and you can take the corner off it under ten percent power to reduce throttle lag before the straight.“[/color] She explained, considering the small left kink part of the straight as that was also taken at full throttle. Another point to piston engines over turbines: Instant throttle response, even from idle. [color=#1EFF24]”Don’t fight our stability, use our acceleration. I did this and I’m level on pace with Southern Cross from there all the way until this double apex bastard by the museum.”[/color] Ava looked over the overlaid charts for a few seconds. [color=#7AFFAD]”Thanks for the tip.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Just returning a favour, Ace.”[/color] Bea smiled back, [color=#1EFF24]”We have to get you into points tomorrow. I smell a constructors’ position in the air, the Yankees are struggling something fierce here.”[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]”Oh, did you get the memo that circulated when you were in the shower?”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”No?”[/color] She said surprised, intending to have a chat about not being in the loop with the team member responsible. [color=#1EFF24]”What memo?”[/color] [color=#7AFFAD]”Someone at merch got a ‘wild hair,’ as you say. They’re launching Condor plushies with removable racing helmets at three o’clock, they want us manning the stand.”[/color] Ava almost rolled her eyes at the responsibility, actually rolling her eyes at Bea’s excited reaction. [hr] [center][b]Timothy Hill @TruckerTim[/b]: [i]"POV: You’re Neves looking at [b]@MadBea[/b] at the start line:” [img]https://y.yarn.co/9c032763-280f-4298-bfe3-20d33575485d_text.gif[/img] #FormulaAG #MarmoladaAGP #SilverMeansSecond[/i] [/center][Liked by Bea Ward] [b]ChesterFromChester:[/b] Sounds more like a Hart thing to do. [b]Zero:[/b] [A [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/roadwarrior/images/7/7c/2015_MMFR_WAR_RIG_ARM.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240531181109]screencap[/url] from the same movie, with Bea’s face added over the original actress.] [b]MadBea:[/b] I guess that’s the Halloween costume settled. :D [b]Cats4Life:[/b] Big “Oof!” Villarosa. [b]AndesAG:[/b] shell catch up over the long distance [b]Xinny:[/b] Someone finally got fed up and stuffed a rag into the air intake of Stirling’s ship before the session. [b]GalwayGirl:[/b] Shush! They’ll find it now. :p [b]Laugh_Ness:[/b] mate, argies been mighty silent since tokyo. think they’re maybe finally realising the last good driver they produced was colapinto 70 years ago? [b]NineIron:[/b] Guy’s rolling in his grave so hard he could power Buenos Aires alone if they hooked him up to a genny every time Ibanez is on track anywhere. [b]_PsychoFish_:[/b] Nordic Call looking at their past and present rookies like “Frying pan and fire…” [b]Cookiesaurus:[/b] right in 1st sector too #washed [b]ForzaGl0ria:[/b] What you expect from a pineapple bandit? [b]TruckerTim:[/b] Canada committing war crimes against the barrier. [b]UrbanMaverick:[/b] I know you joked he looked suicidal after Tokyo but you might’ve been onto something there. [b]TruckerTim:[/b] I’ll take that job at Delphi now, thanks. [b]NeptuneQueen:[/b] As a lifelong Ambrogi fan I’m required to dislike Ward since 2091 but even I have to say that was one mother and fucker of a qualifying run. [hr] [center][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrLdbYUu7LJQf9_6F1zblN3WfwvCU8R3W8Xskd8b3vI/edit?usp=sharing]Carrera Condor NPCs[/url][/center]