[quote=@Dion]I'm kind of curious how others have sought to cement themselves in PbP forum roleplaying? Or maybe some of you have given up and just hang out here for nostalgia's sake, and you do your Roleplaying on discord? Or is my vision just wrong and are RP forums doing better than ever? [/quote] Play-By-Post Role-Playing Message Boards have been on the downcline since the late 2010s due to a shift in how young writers engage with the internet. We are in a sort of fanfiction boom, but play-by-post in itself (as in collaborative writing) has shifted to other mediums. This is not to say message boards as a whole are dying but they are not trending upwards at the moment. Chat/IM RP is likely "king" right now, or non-forum based websites. Message Boards as a whole have always had ehbs and flows when it came to usage, but they were dominant due to their ability to be more long form than chatrooms and instant messaging software in the early post-Y2K environment. I do not think they will ever be as big as they were during the 2001-2011 window, though I am optimistic for the medium.