[center][h2] [color=f7941d]The Last Campfire[/color] [/h2] [h2] [color=ec008c]Samantha Dalton[/color] [/h2] [h2] [color=8dc73f]Chuck Simmons[/color] [/h2][/center] Samantha was amused as she looked around the campfire. Adam was cooking some kind of hot dogs or brats and Skye was…. Roasting marshmallows? She was putting marshmallows on sticks. Sam wanted one but was barely holding herself upright. She was not sure about leaning forward to roast it. She had snagged one of the only chairs by the fire. Almost everyone else was sitting on logs and stumps. Sam would need the arms of the chair to make it back to her feet. She had literally just left the infirmary like 2 hours ago. She was clean and had a belly full of warm stew. Granted that had been a while ago. A nice roasted marshmallow would be a great dessert. She noticed that Tahlia had Duke and wondered where Chuck was. Sam grinned at Skye before replying. Sam: [color=ec008c]“Oh I am surprised Sophie didn’t read you the riot act on how long it was going to take for me to recover and would you please stop bringing personnel back in pieces. You know the usual.”[/color] She gave Skye something close to her usual sass and snarky reply. [color=ec008c]“I spent most of the day in sedation while Sophie worked with all the marvels of modern medicine at her disposal to speed healing. I am still nursing bruised and broken ribs, I have synth flesh nanite patches working on the burns I sustained. I have been told small movements only, no big stretching yet. I still have a ways to go but thanks to you, I will heal.”[/color] She gave Skye the medical update that she had probably been avoiding if she knew Skye. Samantha winked conspiratorially at Skye. [color=ec008c]“The highlight of my day was feeding myself and getting a shower felt like an accomplishment. That marshmallow looks tempting but I am not sure I can hold it outstretched long enough to roast it.” [/color] Duke wandered over to her and sat next to her and placed his head gently on her uninjured thigh. She smiled and began to scratch him behind the ears. She looked around the fire once more and asked [color=ec008c]“Where’s Chuck and Freya?” [/color]She smiled if she wondered if both of them missing was a sign the lovesick giant had finally gotten up the nerve to ask Freya out. It felt like she had just asked about Chuck when Athena launched into telling them about Chuck’s meeting with Freya’s parents. Samantha managed to keep a smile on her face while Athena regaled the group with the tale. Her own thoughts drifted to her own experience as she hovered between life and death. She had come back like they wanted. She still felt that pain of leaving them all over again. She missed them all so much. She couldn’t help thinking how lucky her friend was to have so many people that cared about her. She was happy for Freya and Chuck was a great guy. Samantha let the heat from the fire warm her and relax her. Duke was a warm weight on her uninjured leg. He grounded her in a way. A crackle from the fire drew her back to the present and out of her melancholy thoughts. She remembered that bad feeling she had that had persisted. It had lessened some but she still felt like the fight was not over. Not with Rose still out there. But here around the warmth of the fire. She kept those feelings to herself. She looked across the fire to meet Purna’s eyes. She held his eyes for a moment before turning to stare into the fire. She let the camaraderie wash over her as she allowed herself to just be. She was reserved and downright still for her. Typically Samantha struggled to sit still and fidgeted if she was in a meeting. It probably seemed odd to see her so still and quiet. About that time Chuck appeared at the campfire. He sat down one of the larger logs next to Tahlia. Chuck gave the Kiwi a genuine smile. [color=8dc73f]Chuck: “Good evening Tahlia. Thank you for taking care of Duke for me on short notice. I wasn’t sure I could take him with me.”[/color] Duke’s body had been taught with excited energy and his tail was wagging hard enough to create a breeze. He waited sitting next to Samantha until Chuck gave him some hand signal that released the dog. Duke pelted over to Chuck’s side almost knocking him off his log in his exuberance to lick his face and say hello. Chuck just laughed and began petting and playing with Duke to satisfy his need to reassure himself that Chuck had come to no harm while he was away. Chuck rubbed him vigorously behind the ears. He had been carrying a plastic bag with take out in it with him. He laughed as Duke slobbered all over his chin. He let Duke have his way for a few minutes before he ordered him to sit. He pulled out the take out box and opened it revealing a steak cooked medium rare. He lowered the box to the ground and indicated Duke could have it. He barked happily and began to tear into the steak. Chuck just watched on fondly. He rubbed Duke’s head. [color=8dc73f]Chuck: “Sorry I had to leave you so abruptly Duke. It was for a good cause though. I hope you were a good boy while I was gone.”[/color] He knew Duke wouldn’t get into any serious trouble without good reason. It was just that he was so big and strong that mischief could be very costly. Chuck looked around at the others with a smile.He started to ask what they were talking about but then he noticed Athena’s wicked grin. [color=8dc73f]Chuck: “Well I would ask what everyone was talking about but I think I can guess.”[/color] He raised an eyebrow at Athena.