[color=9e0b0f][i][b]The Pitt[/b][/i][/color] “Of course,” Marie nodded, and then motioned towards her Guard Captain, “Captain Harlock is currently organizing our reserves to mount a relief mission north. He can give you a detailed description on the current situation. Harlock -,” She continued, addressing the Captain directly, “Please give Dr. Li a briefing immediately along with Abaddon. Make sure that Inquisitor Braxton from The Brotherhood is invited as well.” “Yes my lady,” Harlock bowed. “We will of course share any and all information we have on The Unity as well. Going forward I would also assume we should establish regular communication on The Unity’s movements and any intel we glean separately. I won’t speak for Commander Sutler, but I would imagine he’d be interested in any such arrangement as well.” [hr] In less than an hour the relevant members of the impromptu war council had been assembled in a small sparsely furnished meeting room on one of the top floors within Haven. Led by Captain Harlock, Dr. Li was escorted promptly to the room. Abaddon was already present of course with his usual dour appearance, but another Brotherhood woman was there as well. She was a stern looking woman in her mid-thirties, with long straight blonde hair, glasses and wearing the dark colored scribe robes of a Midwestern Inquisitor. The woman glanced up from her notes, sprawled out on the table she and Abaddon were seated around to appraise Dr. Li as she entered. The woman looked worn and haggard, her appearance denoting years of sleepless nights and tireless work against an unrelenting foe - and the obvious suffering caused by a very recent personal loss. “You’ve already met Abaddon of course,” Harlock said, nodding towards the rogue Scribe. He then gestured towards the weary Midwesterner, “And this is…” “Sophia Braxton,” the robed woman said, interrupting the Guard-Captain to introduce herself, “Senior Inquisitor with the Order of the Shield. In Paladin-Lord Traven’s absence, I am currently the ranking member of the Brotherhood of Steel in-exile here in The Pitt. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, my Order has heard only little of your ‘Institute’ and I’m eager to know more. Abaddon has told me as well that you worked with a splinter group of our Brotherhood once, led by a so-called “Elder” Lyons, and that there are members of this group within your organization currently. I’d be very curious to meet with them at some point in the future.” Abaddon frowned at the mention of the phrase ‘splinter group’ but seemed to bite his tongue and refrained from rebuking the Inquisitor. Current allegiances not-with-standing, the aged Scribe obviously still held onto some deep seeded grudges regarding the Brotherhood's schism. “Well IF we are down with the introductions,” He croaked, “Perhaps we can continue with the briefing?” Abaddon removed a compact pre-war device from one of the many utility pockets along his belt and clicked a button, producing a holographic map which spread out across the table. Being old U.S. military tech, outdated even before the war, the hologram was crude and not terribly well detailed, but it was easily serviceable for their purposes. “As you are no doubt aware, the forces of The Pitt and Midwestern Remnants are holding a defensive line along the Ohio,” Abaddon traced a bony finger down the small colored representation of the river, “Wildly unsuccessful pre-war irrigation projects caused an artificial ford near Steubenville, making it one of the only places the Unity army can cross en-masse. The majority of The Pitt’s army and the entirety of the Midwestern forces are dug in across the ford, and thus far have held well. The Raiders we have there are of varying quality, but mostly consist of light to heavy infantry with a smattering of reprogrammed industrial bots.” “Midwestern forces consist primarily of a small core of power armored Knights supplemented with Calculator pacification enforcement robots - of different classes,” Inquisitor Sophia chimed in, “We have a single Behemoth class robot there as well, although per General Barnaky’s contingency protocols it will be kept in reserve unless and until all other reasonable options have been exhausted.” “The Pitt has amassed a large force of pre-war artillery as well,” Harlock added, “Repaired by and kept fed by our ammunition presses here in The Pitt. Fresh shells for the artillery and ammo for the rest of the raiders are sent daily by train to the front - and will for as long as our production can be maintained.” “Which brings us to the situation in Cleveland,” Abaddon continued, running his finger up north to the shore of Lake Erie, “From what we’ve gathered, a previously undetected force of mutants has begun an assault on Cleveland. How they managed to slip past our scouts is unknown, but we think it may have something to do with this force being led by a large group of what the mutants call ‘Nightkin’.” “They’re experts at guerilla warfare and covert actions, essentially acting as The Unity’s elite scouts, assassins, and shock troops when needed,” Sophia explained, “They utilize stealth boys and run heavy on whatever insane implants or augmentations The Unity’s scientists can give them.” Harlock nodded “We were expecting an attack on Cleveland eventually, just not this soon - we could have used more time to gather up some raiders from our vassal gangs and outfit levies from settlements in our territory. As it is - we’ve got a small force of reserves that we held back from the front, my guardsmen, and whatever slave fighters we trust enough to arm to send in. Not enough to break whatever siege is ongoing on their own.” “To that end we’ve sent a request of aid to our allies in Luth, and to Sutler in DC as well, “ Abaddon said with a grimace, “Though we’ve heard no response as of yet from either - although both Luth and The Enclave are currently under threat from a mutant army in the Great Lakes and Appalachia respectively so its unknown if they’ll be able to send any sort of aid.” “If the siege is broken however,” the old scribe continued, “Then we can continue to feed The Mill, and it in turn can supply both The Enclave and The institute with ballistic weaponry and ammunition in spades - along with steel or other materials which might be needed for the war effort. Enough to turn the tide.” “Enough to launch a counter-offensive,” Inquisitor Sophia remarked with a hungry glint in her eye, “Enough to pay back those mutant monsters a thousand times over for the death and destruction they’ve caused across a continent.”