[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr][center][@Click This][/center][hr] [color=#b3ccff]"Such vitriol,"[/color] Esben muttered to himself, his eyes still placed on the one of the trio that had taken the most [i]hostile[/i] tone with them. He'd already reached out, one hand laying lightly on Éliane's shoulder, unspoken counsel to hold her tongue for a few minutes more. Not that he was feeling terribly charitable towards the three Grovemasters—the distaste that they maintained for Skael and those that lived there wasn't any secret, driven in part by the gulf in technological advancement between the two nations. Undoubtedly, at least [i]one[/i] of the three had already gotten themselves convinced that the Blight could be blamed on the 'godless technologies' of the southerners, a tract that some from Brightlam had been known to take. More often after the contact with Valheim, and seeing that the invaders were similarly advanced as Skael, perhaps even more so. He didn't have particularly high hopes that anyone in such a position could really be swayed towards the viewpoints the group needed them to take, but so long as the Grovemasters didn't require unanimity in their decisions, that should prove fine. He was more focused on watching for any [i]other[/i] reactions from the three, rather than just the expected isolationism and anti-technological diatribes. Whether it was just due to his own uncharitable mood after spending the trip upriver with distinctly [i]less[/i] sleep than he would prefer, the mutual disregard with which he and most of Skael held the Grovemasters in turn, or if there was anything deeper to it that hadn't become obvious yet, the second of them had certainly drawn his interest. Unfortunately for him, the other pairs of eyes he'd ask to keep their own watch on the man were either no longer travelling with them, had already spoken up, or would likely be [i]expected[/i] to speak up before too long. [color=#b3ccff]"That [i]warmonger[/i] jab wasn't an invitation,"[/color] he said quietly, leaning in closer to Éliane. [color=#b3ccff]"But I don't mind if you want to press his buttons a little. Just be judicious about it."[/color]