Since we have so many who are interested in the game, I'm going to have yall actually apply with your characters. Only about four to five people will get a spot in the game. When it comes to the year of the character, we'll stick with 1st, second, ect. I know we Americans use Freshman, Sophomore, ect but for the sake of clarity, we'll just stick with the numbers. You can be any major you want to be and you can be any age. As for how everyone got to become friends, we'll work that out after we have the picked characters. [center][h2]Character Application[/h2][/center] [code]Name: Age: Appearance: Major: Year: Personality: History: Perks: Quirks: roleplay example: [hider=example goes here] Blah blah, look what I can do! Blah blah blah [/hider] [/code] Now don't go stressing about this! I'll keep those interested in a list and as people go MIA or leave the game, I'll pull yall in! Just cause you don't get the initial cut doesn't mean you are out. Good luck yall! Have fun!