[center][h2][b][color=rosybrown][ Jareth ][/color][/b][/h2][/center][hr][hr] [i]hills beyond North Brigold[/i] Jareth followed the trail of destruction up the hill. He'd left the crowd of victims, heroes, and first responders far behind. Off to the sides there were cars, their route cut off by the landslide. Wiseman gave him an update, and Jareth acknowledged it. [color=rosybrown]"I'm gonna do what I can to stabilize things,"[/color] he said. As he travelled to the coordinates Wiseman had given him, Jareth noted a pipe spewing dirty water that would need to be dealt with to prevent further disaster. He relayed its location to Amuné, trusting her to tell the first responders about it. For the time being, all he could do was compact the ground underneath it, so the water would take longer to cause another collapse. But the water pipe had been torn open by the landslide -- it wasn't the cause. The trail of damage narrowed as he followed it up the hill, which was rather odd. Yes, landslides did gather power as they went, but normally they didn't start so small. And in the clearing just beyond the source of destruction was a tent and a few items. Jareth immediately contacted Alisa. [color=rosybrown]"Alisa, let the others know. This was not a natural disaster. Someone caused it, though whether deliberately or accidentally I'm not sure. They don't seem to be around right now, so I'm going to investigate what they left behind."[/color] The first thing he checked was the tent, to see if anyone was inside. But whoever had stayed there was long gone. Next Jareth looked at the map, to see if there were plans drawn on it, or places marked. Those would indicate possible locations, as well as tell if this was a premediated act. He looked around as well for footprints, but there didn't seem to be any. The grass in the clearing was too thick for him to tell where the culprit had stepped. [center][h2][b][color=goldenrod][ Amuné ][/color][/b][/h2][/center][hr][hr] [i]North Brigold[/i] Amuné did what she could to help the rescue teams and the paramedics, though it felt like precious little. Her powers would warn her if there was to be another collapse, she was pretty sure, since she would be in its path. One of the first things she'd tried was touching the dirt of the landslide, but she'd Seen nothing of interest. Since Joseph had the life-seeking coins leading rescuers to victims, there wasn't much more she could do to help in terms of finding people. She relayed Jareth's message about the water pipe, as well as its coordinates, to one of the firemen present, who said they'd take care of getting that line shut off until it could be repaired. The next alert Jareth sent was a surprise. Who the hell would do something like this? Amuné could only hope it had been an accident. Combine that with the one youth who claimed there had been an explosion, and it sounded like someone with powers had caused the mess. She went over to a police officer and relayed these details. She didn't bother telling Jareth to bring her something back to use for scrying -- he knew the drill as well as she did.