[hider=WIP Greedy Eye][centre][h2]Name: Unknown[/h2][/centre][centre][i]“Name? Do not know name. Was not able to take from ones that spawned me.”[/i][/centre][centre][b]Tier:[/b] 1 | [b]Type:[/b] Summon | [b]Clan:[/b] Watcher Clan[/centre] [b]Appearance:[/b] It appears as a floating eyeball, about twice the size of a human’s, with an iris of a colour that refuses to be known. Its body constantly oozes with an ink-like ichor that somehow avoids obscuring its gaze and quickly evaporates upon leaving its body. [hider=Clan – Watcher Clan]A relatively young clan of demons, at least as far as demon clans go, members of the Watcher Clan are obsessed with the acquisition and hoarding of information. While the appearance of individual members of this clan varies wildly, all members of this clan possess one or more eyes of a colour which – much to their chagrin – is incapable of being known and which usually act as something of a motif for their various forms. Many members of this clan also produce an ink-like slime from their bodies, though this is not a universal trait. Despite the vast pools of knowledge individual members of this clan can accumulate over time, the Watcher Clan is not considered to be a particularly knowledgeable clan as a whole, as most members refuse to share the information they have hoarded.[/hider][centre][h2]Abilities[/h2][/centre][centre][b]Strength:[/b] 0.5 | [b]Durability:[/b] 0.5 | [b]Speed:[/b] 1 | [b]Magic:[/b] 1.5[/centre] [hider=Arcanum]Like all demons of the Watcher Clan, it possesses the arcanum that gives the clan its namesake, the ability to consume information it is observing, though as a mere tier 1 demon, this ability is rather weak. While using this ability, anything encoding information that the demon looks at will have the contained information begin to disappear – words will fade from books, computers will start to lose files, etc – the demon ‘consuming’ the information contained within gaining knowledge and mana as a result. This ability is most effective when the information is viewed directly – a closed book will lose information slower than a page being directly observed – and works even against creatures and some spells, though as a tier 1 demon, this is of limited effectiveness – used on a creature with any notable amount of magical ability or willpower and the best result likely to be achieved without hours of staring, is short term forgetfulness and a propensity to lose ones train of thought for as long as the effect is maintained, and used on a spell that contains encoded information as part of its function, will typically result in the spell becoming somewhat less reliable rather than failing outright. In addition, like most other demons of its clan, the demon possesses exceptionally good vision, especially regarding its ability to perceive magic.[/hider] [hider=Spells]####[/hider] [hider=Other Traits]While the demon appears to be able to passively hover, this is actually the effect of a form of weak telekinesis it possesses in an area surrounding its body. Within a roughly 60 cm radius around itself, the demon is capable of weakly pushing or pulling against objects and surfaces, using its own body as a medium, most notably it uses this ability to ‘float’ above the ground and to manipulate small objects. The actual application of this telekinesis takes the form of numerous tendril-like threads, which feel something like the crawling of countless tiny insects. Similarly, despite not having any physical organs besides its eye, the demon is somehow capable of sensing itself and its environment to a degree roughly equivalent to a human.[/hider][/hider]