[center][h2]Somewhere Along the Scorched Line[/h2][/center] [center][h3] Daxini Battle Group Alpha: Commanded by Claw Chief Lennox [/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/njrHXSB/Commander-Lennox.jpg[/img] Commander Lennox[/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/b6730VN][img]https://i.ibb.co/VL3N1GM/Space-Debris-along-the-Scorched-Line.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/64VTyuiiNrY?feature=shared] Terminus - Audiomachine[/url] [/b] Commander Lennox had been briefed by Chief Ivali and placed in command of Battle Group Alpha. Their orders were to take their time exploring the area around the Scorched Line. Intelligence believed that the Yrrani Homewold was close by and rumors were that it had been found again. They wanted to try and pinpoint the location of the Yrrani Homeworld. They had also heard rumors of ships passing through this area of space that there were pockets of Daxini stranded along the Scorched Line. That they had been caught up by the battles being raged up and down the line. Their orders were to investigate any rumors and to offer rescue and relief to any Daxini found in the area. The Alpha Battle Group consisted of a large battle station, an Excalibur Class Dreadnaught, a Daedalus Class Destroyer, a Daxini Cruiser, and one light cruiser. The Battle Station carried a full complement of troops, pilots, and starfighters. The space station had room to help with supplies for the fleet as well. The battle station had a huge hydroponics growing area and a large garden area that supported life support and acted as green area for their personnel. The space station had limited manufacturing capability. The Battle Group would be able to sustain themselves for quite some time in deep space. The current deployment was set to last for 12 weeks. Commander Lennox was from the Rapaxini Clan and had cream colored fur with golden tan markings. She had a regal and graceful bearing and look to her. She had a calm and commanding presence. She was an excellent tactician and had a talent for mixing all the military roles well. She had a knack for intergroup tactics and was known for getting the most out of mixed operations. Commander Lennox had overall command of the Battle Group. Under their command was Eagle Eye Chief Dragul, Talon Chief Celexa, Flight Chief Axak, War Chief Derix, Kronar Support Chief Enaki, and Eagle Eye Kronar Support Amelix. Enaki was in charge of all the Kronar in the battle group while Amelix was in charge of intelligence and stealth operations. The command chiefs were operating off of the Battle Station. They sometimes would leave the battle station and move to other ships during mission operations. For the most part it allowed them to quickly disseminate orders and worked for their command structure. They had left the Dax System within 24 hours of the council meeting. Lennox had given the orders to open the wormhole gate. The battle group had moved into a wormhole and expected to travel through that weird slip dimension inside of a wormhole to be spat out on the other side of the galaxy. Some called that weird dimension Chasm Space, others called it Maw Space. No matter what you called the dimension, there were things that lived in that space. The Daxini had records of their ships being attacked in that space. For that reason, there was always a bridge watch even when they were in the slip dimension inside the wormhole. Their journey was expected to take about 8 hours. Commander Lennox arranged the duty schedule so that she would be back on the bridge when the battle group was due to arrive at their destination. Commander Lennox was in the command center of Battle Station Leviathan when they emerged back into regular space at the coordinates they had been given for where to start their operations. Proximity alert alarms began to blare across the room and red emergency lighting flashed from the corners of the command center. The holotank in the middle of the room began to fill in the detail of what was around them as Enaki processed the data from the battle station’s sensors. The battle group had emerged into a huge debris field that seemed to be remnants from past battles. There was all kinds of wreckage from space ships that had been torn apart by weapons fire. [color=00aeef]Lennox: “Evasive maneuvers. Shields to maximum. Weapons clear a path if you have to. Remember to keep us moving forward we have others emerging behind us. Make sure you make room for the whole fleet. Navigation, plot me a safe course through this mess. Scans plot this mess and map it. Share the data as quickly as you can with the other ships.” [/color] The orders came out fast, confident, and smooth. Commander Lennox’s calm sure voice steadied the nerves of those who had seen the garbage ridden area of space they had emerged into. Lennox’s quick orders avoided disaster as weapons officers made space for the battle group emerging from the wormhole. Once the last ship was through the wormhole closed. There was some minor damage to one of the cruisers whose pilot was not quick enough to evade a large piece of derelict spacecraft. Lennox sounded amused as she told everyone on the bridge. [color=00aeef]“Well I guess we just found the first hazard we will need to navigate. Begin compiling reports and send them through to my office.”[/color] Lennox retreated to her office to work now that the emergency was over. She needed to decide how they would move to their next target. Lennox reviewed the damage report, then the report from astrogation, and then the report on what the scanners found. Lennox’s Battle Group would have to move slowly not to end up being hit by the sheer amount of space debris around them. They would emerge from it eventually. If they needed to escape back this way though, the debris would be a problem. If they had any other ships show up at the same coordinates, they would be in danger of the debris as well. She requested one of the large refining stations be moved to their location with a full complement of salvage crew. Lennox used the quantum relay to speak with Dax. Lennox had explained the problem to the Daxini Chieftain. Kwaria agreed to send the station and a light cruiser for defense. The area would take time to clear but a refining station was the perfect answer to the problem. It would at least give them a beachhead in this hostile area of space. It would also be profitable as the spaceship debris would be full of precious metals and rare minerals. They would just have to capture the debris and break it down, put it through a sorter, then melt it back down into usable material. Recycling everything they could. Lennox dispatched a stealth ship to plot a safe course for the battle group. They began to move forward slowly, their shields pushing debris out of their way. She had ordered some heavy shuttles to push the larger debris into piles using reinforced shields and gravity tractor beams to pull them into a stationary orbit. They didn’t move until they had cleared enough space that their battle group was not at risk of a hull rupture or bumping a large piece of space debris into one of the other ships. The stealth ships had mapped a path out of the truly massive debris field. The ships moved forward with full power to the shields. They moved slow enough that the battle station could keep up with the faster battleships. They finally came out of the heaviest portion of the debris field but found that only the density of the debris cloud had lessened. This area of space was a garbage dump of broken vessels and pieces of rock. It made navigation here tricky. They proceeded forward cautiously. [hider= Daxini NPCs] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bbz8sSryxqJae1RJuPZYYpMlnVJL6P3jgtkuuC78Hog/edit?usp=sharing [/hider]