[center][color=gray][h1][b]Frustration[/b][/h1]... had set in a long time ago. Worry was equally involved. But rapid eye movement was the only shuffling Nick Bergman currently did. Was he dead? No, but certain people within the desecrated walls of what was left of The Louvre, certainly hoped he was. Not out of hate, malice, or any level of animosity towards their agent. But out of sheer [i]pity[/i] for the shenanigans currently going on within the world.[/color] [hider=Bring Popcorn] [Youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yAfScFoBnHQ[/youtube] [/hider] [/center] [hr] [Color=gray]4,000 miles away...[/color] French government was normally complacent with The Louvre's sole containment of supernatural antiquity, within France's borders. But had arrested several key Louvre members regarding HiveMind's attack last year. Well, the ones who hadn't been kidnapped, escaped through the once glass pyramid, or lacking signs of rigor mortis. Prisoner in holding cell 58R, was quiet. Except for the repetitive tapping of his left heel. Wiped some sweat from his brow then sunk his face deep into his hands. The frustration had sunk in a long time ago, but no other emotion pestered him at the moment. The Frenchman hated sitting here doing absolutely nothing, while the world around him had fallen completely apart- [i]again[/i]. Just as he was about to stand and pace, the jingling of keys and hurried footsteps echoed from down the hall. Frenchman swore under his breath, "[i]Dammit[/i], Nicholas." As he sat there mentally twiddling his thumbs. But wondering exactly what his fate was, regarding the battle with HiveMind, was the least of his concern. A cover-up? Talks of treason? The situation had gone from desperate to insane in less than 72 hours... and all because of one fuck up- the domino effect. [hr] [center][h1][color=gray][b]Wake Up[/b][/color][/h1] [color=gray][sub][s] If [/s] the world is ending...[/sub][/color] [hider=sheepie cinematic universe][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QqBVB0W4ujM&pp=ygUPaGlkZGVuIGNpdGl6ZW5z [/youtube][/hider] [color=gray][sub] Mentions or Interactions: [@SporkoBug] [@Estylwen] [@Days] [@WhiteAngel25] [/sub][/color] [/center] [hr] Distorted thoughts danced softly about like white noise. They intertwined with broken speech off in the distance. Exactly how long had he been unconscious? Sleep seemed nice and comforting, but there was a job to do. Commotion made him lazily blink both eyes open. Took in the ceiling's features as he stared nonchalantly listening to robotic pestering... Had he been hospitalized? Hopefully, he'd been taken to the correct secret HiveMind facility... Surrounding voices indicated that the girls were okay. It was a little odd not hearing security rush in, now that they were awake. So, maybe Thierry was right with the calculations. Closed his eyes again, almost pretending to be asleep. Had the girls noticed? Didn't seem like it. There was no rush in finding the stolen artifact just yet. So he fidgeted mentally, examining his augmentations. As suspected, the mind controller exe had been tampered with. An internal sigh washed over him, as he turned certain features back off. But overriding Von's complete control right now, would indicate self awareness. Stealth was necessary with this job, so he played dumb and left certain overrides off. Seemed like Von Galloes wanted to play dictator, but trouble makers never truly followed orders... Left wrist felt bare without his watch, but a few slight snaps of where the augmentations were, indicated no foul play by the supreme ruler's medical team. Hopefully, they wouldn't be expecting its use. Absolutely hated having the mercenary augmentations... at first. But over time, he planned to use the ones he had, in full force. The troubled archeologist thought to himself, [i]Being able to turn off sharp pain... Why didn't I use this feature sooner?[/i] Carefully, a thin cranial probe behind his right ear was pulled at. It slid out easily, and with modAI turned on, no screaming to alarm the girls. He'd have to see a Louvre doctor after this, to double check his internal injuries. But at least for now, major pain wasn't an issue. Gingerly sat upright and dangled his feet over the space bed. It was weird watching the visual augmentations monitor everybody's movement. Listing docility... It felt like cheating back in high school. Quickly moved his lingered gaze from ominous flashing, "You girls alright?" He questioned a little to calmly, with a warm smile about his expression. His primary concern was the girls, but still politely questioned Axen and... the ominously labeled strange man, as well, "What about you three?" Then added, "I don't think we're gonna have too many problems getting outta here, but, if we're where I think we are, getting lost is a real possibility." If sent properly, a message should have popped up in Nova's vision, [color=gray]Can your augmentations handle live maps?[/color] He'd never used this part of the messages interface before, opting to ignore Thierry's previous pestering. Once he finally got off the medical bed to give Cosy a hug, he winked over at Anna, "Hey, thanks for waking us up back there. My aim was fucking terrible." Still speaking a little too calmly, or was he just that confident with himself? A soft smile played around the corner of his mouth, as he answered Nova's question, "I'm doing alright." Was it really cocky confidence or just protective preparation?