[center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (69/120) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Sectonia wasn't a fan of this place. Sure she had a bit of a rain coat, and her chaos shield mitigated the wetness a bit more, but still this place was drab, dreary, and just awful. At least she didn't need to walk unlike everyone else. Flying was trickier though for her, thanks to this aura that was canceling the rain's time effect out. Needing to stick right next to Ace and the emitter wasn't too bad overall, he was strong enough to carry it around the various obstacles and her ability to fly made them not all that bad. She could see why the BTs were a bit terrifying though as you could only make out their hand prints and footprints if they were near without the BB users pointing them out. Eventually they came to a crossroads. A shortcut over a fiery chasm with demons at the bottom, a detour through a ship, and finally a path apparently full of those invisible BTs Sectonia couldn't see. Seeing as the Quipoth they were headed towards was nearby and just across the chasm, Sectonia made a move to make deciding way easier for the group. [color=92278f]"A chasm hm? I have something to solve that."[/color] Moving a bit forward but still within the emitter field, Sectonia waved her hands and a large pink portal dotted with hearts appeared over the chasm and out of it came a giant crystal that would make for a platform to make jumping over it much, much easier. It was smaller than her normal platforms, but it'd do the trick. [color=92278f]"My decision on how we move forward is clearly evident. I'd prefer to spend as little time out here as possible."[/color] She said, gesturing to the pink crystal platform.