[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/m3LFlvv.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/L4GDi1Q.png[/img][hr][/center] They could hear the distant marching of Autoknights, and the hum of airships overhead. They were in some bedroom in an apartment complex. [color=fce420]”... Well that didn’t go as planned,”[/color] Yoko shrugged as she sat on the nightstand. [color=fce420]”Disciple, make sure that everyone is on the same page before you do something like that again.”[/color] She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the window that had been hastily barricaded with furniture. [color=fce420]”... That could have gone badly.”[/color] Lisa, who had just sat on the bed, jaw dropped out of shock, finally just came out and said, [color=764820]”You all saw it, right?!”[/color] Lisa shouted, [color=764820]”See?! I’m not crazy!”[/color] [color=fce420]”Nobody said you were, Turner,”[/color] Yoko nodded. [color=DC143C]"Or maybe we’re all crazy,"[/color] Saskia intoned. [color=DC143C]"At least we’re safe."[/color] For now. Saskia looked over at Ella, who’d sat down on the bed and was hanging her head. If that strange spider thing hadn’t saved them they’d be dead. At least, Ella would be… And Saskia couldn’t allow that to happen. They walked over to their friend, putting a hand on her shoulder. [color=DC143C]"Let’s go over the plan properly this time. So if we have Autoknights pointing guns at us and telling us to surrender, we [i]just[/i] surrender. If they throw burning rocks at us, we run."[/color] [color=764820]”I mean, I thought we were going to do that [i]before![/i]”[/color] Lisa said, awkwardly laughing. [color=764820]”But, Ella had to blow her load. If she had a dick, it’d be like a lil’ bukake!”[/color] Yoko facepalmed. [color=fce420]”I [i]think…[/i]”[/color] Yoko looked around, before pausing. [color=fce420]”... We should go soon. With the amount of artillery they have, it’s only a matter of time before they try to flatten the city.”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"You said to put up a fight,"[/color] Ella said quietly, still hanging her head. [color=e77fbf]"I thought we were going to fight and then surrender."[/color] [color=DC143C]"Obviously [i]not[/i] when they were pointing guns at us."[/color] Saskia shook their head, before looking at Yoko. [color=DC143C]"Much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Yoko. Let’s get going before they actually kill us."[/color] Saskia still didn’t entirely trust her, and the plan still set them on edge, but this time… it had been Ella’s incredibly literal understanding of things that had fucked them over. Yoko paused for a moment, closing her eyes as she activated Focus. Then her eyes shot open, [color=fce420]”... The Autoknights are clearing the city.”[/color] [color=764820]”Oh, that’s good, right!?”[/color] Lisa smiled, [color=764820]”[i]Right?![/i]”[/color] [color=fce420]”That means, they are probably going to begin blowing up the city,”[/color] Yoko said, [color=fce420]”Which also gives us the perfect opportunity to leave.”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"How, they’ll blow us up!"[/color] Ella said, jumping up. [color=DC143C]"But they won’t be looking for people, they’ll be too busy blowing everything to shit,"[/color] Saskia commented. It wasn’t a bad plan, so long as they got out quickly. Which meant leaving now. They moved over to the door of the room. [color=DC143C]"It means leaving now, and not getting caught."[/color] [color=fce420]”I agree, let’s-”[/color] Yoko was cut off by the massive boom that shook the entire building they were in. She was almost knocked to her feet as she looked to the left and to the right. Through the cracks of the barricaded window they could see the faint glow of distant fire. [color=fce420]”Damn! They’ve started.”[/color] Yoko pushed herself to her feet, as spider legs splayed from Lisa’s back to lift her up to her feet. She looked up at Yoko, [color=764820]”What’s the plan then?”[/color] Yoko looked over her shoulder at Lisa, [color=fce420]”... We get the hell out of here before each of our body parts are flying in different directions, [i]Turner.[/i]”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Onto the streets, we take the clearest route out,"[/color] Saskia said. They didn’t wait for anyone to agree, pushing the door open and hurrying out. They weren’t sticking around to get blown to pieces. Ella was right behind them, so was Yoko and Lisa. Saskia only paused a moment before picking what seemed to be the best way out of this building. Lisa’s spider legs flexed as another explosion rocked the building. [color=fce420]”Stick together,”[/color] Yoko commanded. [color=764820]”So when the building goes down, we’ll die together,”[/color] Lisa snipped. [color=fce420]”Shut up, Turner,”[/color] Yoko said with a roll of her eyes, before saying to Saskia, [color=fce420]”Otten, give Turner the Orange Stone.”[/color] Saskia didn't hesitate, pulling it out and handing it over to Lisa. It was obvious what Yoko was suggesting - a quick getaway spider. [color=e77fbf]"Don't worry, Lisa, I'll protect you from any falling rocks!"[/color] Ella declared. [color=764820]”They’ll bounce off your fat ass!”[/color] Lisa laughed as she took the Orange Stone - another distant explosion rocked the building, [color=764820]”At this point, I might as well keep it!”[/color] [color=DC143C]"I don't trust where you'll store it,"[/color] Saskia intoned. [color=fce420]”Disciplex, how big of a hole can you knock through a brick wall?”[/color] Yoko asked. [color=e77fbf]"Big enough for one of Lisa's spiders if I punch a few times!"[/color] Ella said. [color=fce420]”Get to-”[/color] Yoko shouted, before a massive crash rocked the building and knocked her to her hands and knees. [color=fce420]”Hirry, Disciple!”[/color] Ella just nodded, bright pink sapping out of her mud covered pants to coat her fists. Then she punched the wall in front of them in four places, each blasting a large hole. It left something big enough for a spider to fit. [color=DC143C]"Lisa"[/color] Saskia said, kneeling with one hand on the ground for support. Lisa sighed, as she near-instantaneously summoned a spider and made it grow to sedan size. She hopped on, and gave the spot behind her a few pats. Yoko and the others climbed on before it flew out. Immediately, they were treated to the sight of dozens of flaming bolders raining down on the city. Trashing the city as buildings were collapsing and reduced to rubble. Lisa just flew for the end of the biome… Then a bullet whirled by and hit the spider. It rocked from side to side as Yoko hopped up. Two Zepplins were heading their way… Yoko hopped up, drawing the Yokai Killer. [color=fce420]”They are determined!”[/color] Lisa turned to Ella, [color=764820]”Crack Spiders!”[/color] [color=e77fbf]"On it!"[/color] Ella pressed her hands against the spider. She imbued it with pulsating lights, strengthening it. [color=DC143C]"You’re just making us more of a target,"[/color] Saskia muttered, closing their eyes to avoid the bright lights. [color=764820]”No, I’m not. Just - WAAAAAAAATCH!”[/color] Lisa shouted as the spider disappeared in a blur of speed.